While most Buddhist teaches 3 poisons of Greed, Anger and Ignorance as the 3 main causes that create obstacles in one's path to enlightenment. There are some other Buddhist traditions that mentioned 5 poisons. These 5 poisons are Greed, Anger, Ignorance, Arrogance and Doubt.
「毒」是我們在尋找真相路上的障礙。雖然大多數人知道佛教有三毒 「貪」,「瞋」,「痴」。 有一些會提到五毒: 「貪」,「瞋」,「痴」,「慢」,「疑」。
Arrogance and Doubts do not usually get a lot of attentions from traditional Buddhists for good reasons. From the perspective of Buddhism-religion, doubt exists if one is suspicious of Buddha and his teachings. Doubt as a poison does not really need to be explain to the followers of Buddhism, because the followers of Buddhism by definition, do not doubt Buddha or words of Buddha.
「慢」和「疑」不是經常被傳統佛教所關注。 從宗教的角度來看,一個人若對佛教有「疑」, 是因為他懷疑佛陀和佛陀的教誨。
所以對於「疑」, 一般不需要解釋給佛教徒聽,因為佛教徒不會懷疑佛陀或佛經。
Arrogance is often interpreted as an excessive attachment to one-self. The obvious solution to handle Arrogance, according to traditional Buddhism, is to stress anattā and anicca. So that you don't have a distorted view of yourself.
「慢」往往被解釋成一個放不下自我的態度。 根據傳統佛教這需要從了解「無常」跟「無我」來下手,好像也不需要被解釋太多。
But from the perspective of Buddhism-study, this is not the case. As we have discussed in earlier articles, doubt occurs because one lacks complete understand of the issues. If one does not know for sure where he is, how will he follow the path the enlightenment?
但是從佛學的角度來看,並非如此。 上篇文章已討論過,「疑」 是因為缺乏理論上完整的理解而產生。 如果一個人不是很肯定的知道他在哪裡,他將如何知道向哪個方向走呢?
Arrogance is simply the flip side of doubt. It is our inability to hear and accept different ideas that are contrary to ours. It is possible that on our path to enlightenment, we might have some incorrect knowledge or concepts that is preventing us from reaching further on our path. However, instead of accepting our misunderstandings, we steadfast refuse to change our view, because we are arrogant. When we cannot admit our errors, and refuse to consider other viewpoints, we become Arrogant. And our Arrogance becomes a poison and an obstacle on our path.
「慢」是 「疑」的另外一面。我們有「慢」,是因為無法理智的去思考不同的想法。 在這條路上,我們可能有一些不正確的知識或概念來阻礙進步。要是不能接受自己的誤解,我們堅定的拒絕改變想法,且拒絕考慮其他的觀點,就會變得傲慢。 而「慢」成了毒,變成修行路上的障礙。
The cure to Arrogance is the same as Doubt, with critical thinking.
「慢」的治癒跟「疑」 一樣,是從批判性思考出發的。
On the path to enlightenment, there are many false branches and dead-ends. When you have doubt, you will not know which branch to choose. When you are arrogant, you would not admit that you are on a dead-end, and refuse to retract your way back to the correct path. These two poisons will prevent you from finding the Truth, just like all others.