[Note:] 業 in here means "action that was accomplished", so I use "deed" to translate this word to mean "that which is done." 業 are often translated as "Karma", but I think "deed" is better here.
上了年紀的人,或多或少有一種體會,一生的遭遇雷同點很多,這個人不喜歡,換了一個也差不多,這個行業不怎麼賺錢,下一個更慘! 通常這些倒楣事一再重演,便想算命,改名字、指責別人、就是不曾冷靜下來想自己。
When a person reaches a certain age, he might have a feeling that there are many similar encounters in one's life. I don't like this person, but that other one is not much better. This business didn't make a lot of money, but the next was even worse. These sorts of unlucky things kept repeating to a person, and he might seek out fortune tellers, blaming others and even change names to try to change his fortune. But he will never stop and think about himself as the cause of these bad fortunes.
職場上也有很多方法,教人如何運作自己與別人相處,甚至管理! 但那是外在的自我強化。
There are many self-improvement books that teach a person how to live, relate and work with other people, even how to manage them. But these only teaches you how to do so externally, with a facade.
為生存必要戴的面具,相信大多數的人,是不敢觸摸自己很虛的那個區塊,怕觸摸後會崩潰! 大多數人因害怕,而任由自己浮浮沈沈一生!
The masks that people must wear are part of life. But I believe many people are afraid to touch the emptiness and darkness within oneself. They fear that they will fall apart and collapse once they see and touch emptiness and darkness. Because of fear, most people allows themselves to float away their own lives.
Many people must have the feeling that they were pushed and tugged by some invisible forces in their lives, guiding them from one place to another. That's is the force of deeds. Positive deeds lead to blessed land, and negative deeds lead to horror.
【 業 】已作成的事,既然成了,果便開始產生威力。福業大家欣然接受,惡業人人都說因果(簡單說法)是沒有的,不能相信的,但這樣說就能趨吉避凶嗎?若是可以我大慨要放棄修行,就因沒辦法,我也只好乖乖面對自己的一切 !
A deed is that which is done by an action. Since the action is finished, the karmic result will begin to exert itself. Of course, everyone is happy to get good karmic results. But when people have bad karmic results, they say "bad karma" (the simplistic version) is not real and cannot be believed. But can one get better fortune and avoid bad luck by simply denying the existence of bad karma? If that is the case, I would quit practicing Buddhism myself. But that is not the case, so I need to face the consequence of my actions.
很多纏縛於身的枷鎖,不是說不要就可以不要,真走到了! 或許祇能無語問蒼天! 惡業的可怕! 在於人身心,都受到牽制,想自由還完債再說!
Shackles and chains that tie us are not something that we can freely remove. The horror of bad deeds is that they tie around both our bodies and spirits. Freedom is only possible after all the karmic debts have been paid.
Deed is an invisible force, but it is firmly around everyone, regardless of your faith. There are many unseen feelings that are written on one's life. These cannot be written down in a text book.
半寄 Master Ban Ji