2014年11月12日 星期三

流浪者的迴旋舞 A wanderer's whirling

流浪者的迴旋舞 A wanderer's whirling
少年時期半知半解下,看了蘇非之路,那時蘇非之路不知怎麼的? 成為一種流行的思想。一個陌生的僧侶,一種屬於遙遠又很親切的思考、一種介於解脫與解脫將引向何方的焦慮,透過文字,把人引領著與苦行僧一同站在沙漠,向著陽光,苦苦吶喊,我的路在哪裡???
A wanderer’s whirling
When I was a teenager, with a superficial knowledge of it, I read The Way of the Sufis. The ideas in this book somehow became quite popular during that period of time. An unfamiliar monk, a distant
but familiar way of thinking, anxiety between relief and where relief may lead were presented through texts. Readers were guided to stand in deserts with the dervish, crying out hard to the sun, ‘Where is my path?’
After long, the Sufis had disappeared from my memory. What came up instead was I also looked up to the sun on my voyage like the Sufis did.
I wasn’t mentally-prepared before I stepped onto the lands of real Islamic countries. Only when Sufi’s temples and remaining images of monks came into my sight did I realize that I had traveled to a real Sufi’s world. Where had the dervish crying painfully in the deserts gone? Did he find his own path?
Where should a wanderer run to in the struggle between God/ liberator and ascetical anxiety / free ease?
    Ban Ji
 Translated by Grace Tsail
 Proofread by Sophiea Kuo





2014年11月5日 星期三

永恆 Eternity

永恆  Eternity


在宗教的世界裡,永恆常被提到,人們對美好的事物都希望得到永恆的存在,永恆是所有宗教信徒的渴望,人活在現實世界裡,有太多不如意,就算自己的身體還算健康,外面一堆人禍像老虎一般看著人們,讓人無從喘氣,選擇或渴求桃花源變成了一種價值,當人們的眼光一直在注視著前方探求時,只能容下桃花源一定是存在的想像,其餘有關桃花源是如何存在的? 都變成禁忌話題。


A lady came along for my opinion. She feared that she might become a sinner of her clan for her failing to maintain their wealth and glory.

Eternity is often mentioned in religions. People hope to keep all the decent and good forever. Every religious follower longs for eternity. There are lots of frustrations in reality. Too many personal problems outside, like a tiger eyeing its prey, make people hard to breathe even when they are healthy enough. Therefore, choosing or longing for Xanadu (the ideal world) becomes a kind of values. When people concentrate on searching the front, they persuade themselves that there must be Xanadu somewhere out there. All of the rest, such as how Xanadu forms and exists, become taboos.


曾經有的富貴,也像自己擁有過的桃花源,一旦失落,惶惶恐恐的日復一日,就是不曾低下頭來看看腳下的絆腳石?長的是圓的、扁的、不低下頭來看,不知道走不動的原因在哪裡?桃花源就只能用想的,終究無緣再見 !

Once when they lost their old wealth and glory, like Xanudu they have once been to, they merely panic day by day. Few stop and bow their heads to look at what stumbles them. Is the stumbling block round or flat? Not bowing their heads to reason and figure out what hinders them, they can only imagine Xanadu and will never have chance to reach it again.


一個家族或一個人的肉體,都是從幼小,成長,茁壯,興起(有力),衰弱,沒落(死亡)。我們最難接受的都是後半段,曲終人散與人去樓空,一般人碰上這樣的命運,除了憂心與焦慮外,也只能隨著命運轉動,但有信仰的宗教徒都希望透過他們所信仰的宗教去解決這一切,佛學裡面這方面的經典也很多,然而 !  桃花源肯定是無法一下子就擁有的,我的看法傾向於,在自己的信仰裡先撫平焦慮的心,除了努力尋求再次前進外,豁達與接受於人生的衰弱期,是否也是一種解脫?


There are different stages in a clan or a human’s life. It evolves from immature, growing, thriving, weakening to declining stage (death). It is the last half, the end of a happy occasion, and nostalgia for the old good days that are the most difficult to bear. When encountering such destiny, most people do less but to fear, worry or be at the disposal of a destiny. But all religious people hope to solve the dilemma with the help of their religions. Many Buddhist texts talk about this issue, too. However, it is affirmative that we can’t own Xanadu all of a sudden. I prefer to ease my worrying mind with my own belief first and then strive to move forward again. Isn’t it also a kind of liberation to be open-minded and accept the weakening stage of life calmly

  Master  Ban Ji
  Translated by Grace Tsai 
   Proofread by Sophiea Kuo             




2014年10月26日 星期日

踏破千重山 Conquest thousands of mountains

踏破千重山 Conquest thousands of mountains


Conquest thousands of mountains

The founder of Tian-tai Sect, the Wise Master, once meditated in the mountains and saw his parents crying for his help near his lap. He steeled himself not to be disrupted and then was able to concentrate on meditation. He himself mentioned later that what he saw wasn’t his parents but some demonic power in the shape of his parents so as to disrupt him.a


A Mahayana Buddhist Scripture, Shurangama Sutra and Mantra, mentions demon’s power. Demons are actually kinds of elf, evil spirit, ghosts and monsters. Shurangama Sutra and Mantra is considered fake Buddhist Scripture by international Buddhist scholars. But according to my personal practice experience, it should be the common practical experiences of the following practitioners. Buddhist practice is a kind of refinement in human nature and it belongs to invisible worlds. So, what are the criteria for a practitioner’s Practice achievements? Buddha established levels of Practice achievements from virtuous root to Four Stages of Enlightenment when he was alive. Mahayana Buddhism established Three Universal Truths to consolidate Buddhism philosophy. However, less and less description of obstacles during Practice is handed down. Though Buddhist classics and verification system are handed down, the lack of nowadays’ construction approach leaves a practitioner helpless when facing obstacles. If five to six people of his parents’ images appear on a practitioner’s mind and keep crying for his help, how can he copy with this when facing such a harsh test?


Buddhist practice is about elevation in one’s inner quality. There are thousands of elements in a seemingly stilly phenomenon. Practitioners need to have enough wisdom and concentration to distinguish Buddha from devils. Don’t we know our own parents well enough?! When a person with excellent makeup skills disguised as our parents, we may be entrapped and can't keep moving forward if we don't distinguish it right away. On the contrary, when we pass the test with our wisdom and concentration, we will develop greater ability and can repay our parents.



Let’s talk more about the topic of one’s Buddhist practice achievements. The first requirement for Practice achievements is that a practitioner can make himself calm down, just as the settlement of the mind in Zen Buddhism. Isn’t human’s biggest trouble from himself? One shall know clearly whether he has settled himself or not and he doesn’t have to ask for others’ opinions. Likewise, it is definitely wrong when a practitioner who is considered of great practice achievement isn’t clear of his own (practice achievement).




The same as in a real life, a practitioner must shake off hallucinogen (elf and evil spirit), magic tricks (mental problems), improper dragging forces (ghosts and monsters), and so on. The more he shakes off, the more he progresses. He becomes more confident and stable as he breaks through one barrier after another. All these are steps of becoming an enlightened person.
   Master Ban Ji
   Translated by Grace Tsai
   Proofread by Sophiea Kuo


2014年10月23日 星期四










I took the tonsure with an enthusiasm for Buddhism when I was very young. However, beyond my expectation, I was trapped in anxiety about Buddhism after I actually became a nun. Buddhism is so broad and profound that sheer reading of its texts exhausted me, not to mention carrying it out.

In order to understand Buddhism, I kept either reading or reasoning day and night, despite all the difficulties and troubles in personnel matters. The more difficult it was, the more desire I had for the understanding of Buddhism. Thirty years have passed in a twinkling. I often wonder if there is anyone trapped in the unknowing anxiety as I was before?! Thus, An Investigation into Practice of Buddhism comes out, hoping it may offer some help to my fellow practitioners.

This is a book of Buddhism thinking concepts. It hopes to inspire the practitioners to think consciously about their own problems and then to reach enlightenment. May all the determined practitioners progress as they expect.

                         Ban Ji at Nan Zen Vihara

                                          August 6, 2014

2014年10月22日 星期三



 業障正確說法是 : 我欠別人一百萬元,這債不還債主不讓我往前走,還了債別人也不糾纏自己,但債有過去世留下的,超越現在可以理解的範圍,所以很難界定,然而每一個人的人生經驗,會告訴自己債在哪裡?因為有太多相同的經歷會一直在自己身旁圍繞,命運的擺弄也是一本書,讓每個人細細品嚐自己。

 前面的文章_一線之隔有提過能力問題,自己缺乏某些層面的能力,才讓自己欠下許多,所以整個還債過程也是大翻身的過程,除了是補足自己的欠缺外,還加上讓自己脫胎換骨,佛學有證悟的課題,證悟是一種智慧加非常的努力以赴,去達到自己修持的生命,所以根本沒有宿命說,也沒有消極論,為了適應傳播犧牲了過多佛學,也算悲哉 !



A correct explanation for negative karma is: Suppose I owe someone a million dollars. Only after paying off this debt will the creditor leave me alone and let me move forward. A debt may be resulted in past lives, which makes it beyond our comprehension and therefore hard to define it. However, everyone’s life experience may reveal what his debts are because too many similar experiences repeat and surround him. Manipulation of one’s destiny is also a book, letting everyone savor it slowly.


The issue of abilities is discussed in the earlier article ‘a fine line between’. Our lack of some aspects of abilities results in big debts. The process of paying off the debt is also process of huge bouncing back itself. While making up what we lack to pay off the debt, we also get changed and reborn. Buddhism talks about enlightenment, which is actually wisdom plus strive for self-realization. Thus, Buddhism proposes neither fatalism nor negativism at all. It’s sad that too much of the real Buddhism is misunderstood for the sake of easy spreading.

   Master Ban Ji
   Translated by Grace Tsai
   Proofread by Sophiea Kuo


2014年10月16日 星期四

一線之隔 A fine line between

一線之隔 A fine line between



A fine line between

Buddhism often talks of negative karma. I myself have been mixed up between reality and negative karma for a long time. People don’t think they deserve so many events happening to them, especially the unpleasant ones. If it happens to a Buddhist, he may naturally think what happens to him is because of negative karma immediately.

People with ages almost have experiences of being involuntary. Feeling involuntary makes them easily accept ideas of fate. Too many negative feelings accumulated force them helplessly to accept that it is their debts in their past lives(their negative karma) that cause them such unpleasant happenings and to lead such kind of life.


我在過去寫的文章裡,有提過佛學是探討原因,不是懲罰性質的宗教,業障是一種自己無法抵抗的引力,在每一個人的生命裡,這種引力也是兩面刃,如果我是佛教徒,很輕易就認為引力不能抵抗,所以是業障,如果我不是宗教信徒,不輕易相信引力的力量,想抵抗到底,這兩個想法誰會勝出?! 我想大部份的人一定會認同後者,我個人認為兩者都是錯誤的,原因在於,上面兩種做法都是一廂情願的看法,沒有探究過引力的形成原因?也沒想過自己跟引力之間的對比,也就是引力的力量跟自己的力量,到底哪個力量大?面對大力量又該怎麼辦?!

I have mentioned in my earlier article that Buddhism aims to investigate reasons and is not a punitive religion. Negative karma is a kind of dragging force that can’t be controlled by ourselves. This kind of dragging force may view as a two-side knife in everyone’s life. If a person is a Buddhist, he may easily accept that this dragging force is irresistible and so it is negative karma. While an irreligious man doesn’t believe the power of dragging force and tries to resist it. Which of them will succeed in the end? I think most people will vote the latter. But I personally think both ways are wrong because both are simply out of their own wishful thinking, without investigating the causes of the dragging force. Neither of them takes their own ability into consideration when confronting the dragging force. Which one is powerful, the dragging force or themselves? What should they do if they face dragging force more which is powerful than they are?



 每一個人一生所要面對的人事問題,多到數不清,假設我們都想要自己對每件事情達到滿足點,恐怕比登天還難!不能達到生命的滿足點,是否都叫業障 ?  假設清楚自己能力的人,拿自己能力範圍的東西,是否也是真理?而要有能力第一件事便是克服障礙,業障的另一個名字,如果叫做障礙時,人生會因為能克服障礙而讓自己覺得活著的價值。


During the past days, I found most people tended to be either totally guided by or fully resistant to events in their own lives. Few were willing to face and investigate issues of dragging forces, thus resulting in some specious information prevalent in our society.

All people have to face countless troubles of personnel in their life. It should be harder than climbing up high into the sky if they want to have everything come in their own way. Isn’t it also truth for a person to take what he can reach when he knows clearly his ability and limit? The first step of developing ability is to overcome obstacles. Life becomes worthwhile and valuable after overcoming each and every obstacle.

 Master Ban Ji
  Translated by Grace Tsai
  Proofread by Sophiea Kuo


2014年10月11日 星期六

南傳佛法與大乘佛法的差距 Differences of Southern Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism

南傳佛法與大乘佛法的差距 Differences of Southern Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism


Differences of Southern Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism

Southern Buddhism is also called Original Buddhism, the scriptures of which are internationally recognized as original documentation taught by Buddha himself. People who have been to countries of Southern Buddhism know clearly that Buddhists there consider Mahayana Buddhism as devil’s viewpoint and deny it is Buddhist teaching.



Mahayana Buddhism appeared after Buddha’s nirvana. Buddha’s disciples who hadn’t got enlightenment immediately had to deal with inevitable interdependent relationships of people. As large amount of Buddhists spread out, they needed to seek help to live in the world. Original Scripts emphasized abhorrence and proposed that it was too painful to live in this world. Practitioners of Original Buddhism tried to leave this laboring world with all their heart. Anguish was unanimously accepted in Indian culture. However, with the spread of Buddhism, Buddhist practitioners got aware that all humans had to live in the world, at least they needed so before they got enlightenment. Mahayana Buddhism rose in response to meet their need for broader and deeper philosophy of living in the world.



When I practice Buddhism, I integrate practice methods of early-stage and late-stage Buddhism, known as Hinayana and Mahayana Buddhism by the Chinese. Southern Buddhism provides me with the fundamental concepts of Four Stages of Enlightenment, the practice method of which has long been abandoned by practitioners of Mahayana Buddhism. The Chinese always think the one undivided truth method is the supreme practice method. But I believe without the foundation of Four Stages of Enlightenment, any clever practitioners are not able to excel and advance. On the other hand, practice methods of Original Buddhism without Mahayana Buddhism are too anguishing.




A person who determines to have some accomplishments in Buddhism should get acquainted with both Original Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism. May practitioners get what they expect by following the steps of Buddha and integrating the fruit of the successors’ painstaking efforts. To me, Hinayana and Mahayana Buddhism are extension of sequences of ideas. There’s no difference of high /low or great/petty between them.

 Master Ban Ji
  Translated by Grace Tsai
  Proofread by Sophiea Kuo


2014年9月5日 星期五

一、 活動目的:
鼓勵、引導對自我生命價值及意義之思考能力,增進挫折容忍力, 訓練解決問題與面對困境的勇氣,學習更清晰寬廣的人生觀,進而提升生命的質與量。
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三、 申論題目及期程:
(一) 題目: 「轉念之間的得與失」。
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(二) 申論內容為:分析對於人生或對事情轉念的得與失後,提出想法及執行方法。不限定從佛學角度來申論,歡迎各種論述觀點。
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2014年9月4日 星期四

喜悅G ratification


感覺中修行是個嚴肅的問題,不過也是有愉快的一面,從剛開始入門的莽莽撞撞,到搞得清楚東西南北在哪裡的時候 ? 很快樂,東西南北再畫出方向感時,也很安慰,我想人對有興趣的事物,做出令自己滿意的成績時,都會很興奮,修行也不例外。



It always seems as if Practice is a serious question, yet there is also a pleasant side. From the beginning, everything seems unclear and confusing. I am delighted when things get clarified. It is also comforting when you gain the sense of direction. I believe people always get excited when feeling satisfied about accomplishments in interested things. There is no exception for Practice as well.

After posting few articles on Facebook, for those unfamiliar readers should get to know me better as I focus more on the reality side. On the path of Buddhism learning, I propose that Buddhist practitioners should have their own viewpoints as Buddhism learning particularly focuses on about wisdom. How can one proceed (with the pursuit of wisdom) without his own viewpoint?



To what extent your viewpoint may be developed depends on how much effort you put in. Following is to focus more on explaining the content which can be practiced within human’s ability. I often concern about how I stand on and my viewpoint from my own practice perspective. This can be referred to spiritual peace as proposed in Zen Buddhism. If your mind and spirit is not peaceful, that means you are feeble. How can anything be succeeding under such circumstance? How can you confront daily life calmly without spiritual peace?  I also pay attention to how Practice may affect my life. What’s the reincarnation in my next life is not my concern.  I practice Buddhism in order to solve the philosophic problem of life. Unlike most of the Buddhist practitioners, I practice Buddhism to make certain my existence is meaningful and to cultivate myself into a better person I request.  



一路以來我始終清楚我要修學什麼內容,從到底能不能走下去?!到如沐春風,始終都是修學帶給我的力量,到目前為止,我一直堅持一個觀念,生命裡面誰都需要修道 ! 不一定得為了解脫什麼束縛? 就為了能夠安身立命,安身立命有人會馬上連想到是儒家用語,儒家把人的一生寄託於國家,社會,就是少了個人,彷彿個人的情感完全不重要(至少這是我個人的見解),但佛學提供了個人情感的看法,給予生命另一種出路,人生命裡大都數時間糊里糊塗,不依持修道力量,怎能讓腦袋清晰一下,我們學了很多都是如何對待別人,如果把對待別人,轉變成對待自己,相信很多人會束手無策,真正是忘了我是誰?!



I am always clear about my desired practice content all along. From the beginning concern of whether I can make it through till the end feeling as if enfolded in the spring breeze, all should be attributed to the power given by Practice. I continuously insist on the concept that everyone needs Practice in life until now. We practice not necessary for the sake of free from constraints, but to settle down and live peacefully. When mention settling down and live peacefully, people might think of it’s the wording of Confucianism. Confucianism advocates the thought that one’s life should commit to the country and society, not to the individual. It seems that individuals’ emotions are not important at all (at least in my personal opinion). But Buddhism provides ways of dealing with personal emotions and thus offers alternative solution for life. Humans are confused most of the time in their lives. How can we have clear minds if not rely on the strength of Practice? We have learned much about how to treat others. However, when transferring the ways of treating others to treat ourselves, I believe many people will feel helpless and forget who we really are.
I wrote some conceptual content freely on the blog, perhaps this can help readers who occasionally come across Zen Buddhism.

    Master Ban Ji
    Tanslated by Grace Tsai   
     Proofread by Sophiea Kuo      




2014年7月31日 星期四

記憶中的自己Memories of myself

記憶中的自己Memories of myself



The most difficult part in my Practice would be getting rid of those memories of past events forcibly occupied in my mind.



Mūlamadhyamakakārikā(Knowledge of the Middle Way) discusses the concept of time.It proposes that the time run in between the past, present and future and doesn’t reside at any point.


時間點的流逝,不會引起異論,但普羅大眾一定會想,時間跟修學有什麼關係?! 從記憶的方向來探討一下。

The passage of time won’t arouse debates, however the general public may wonder what’s the relationship between the time and Buddhism Practice? Let’s explore the question from the direction of memory. 


以往的記憶算不算是時間的影子?如果算,那這個影子大到足以嚇人的地步! 層層疊疊的影子,塵封的塵封,留戀的留戀.........一層層的影子,日日夜夜伴著自己,不管自己願不願意?它始終沉沉默默的相隨,人們面對這個影子,總是想盡辦法,想挽留自己留戀的,更想盡辦法,推開不愉快的,但影子始終沉默,沒打算離開,也沒打算滿足自己。

Can the past memory be considered as shadow of the time? If the answer is positive, then this shadow would be enormous enough to be frightening and scaring .Layers of shadows, some memories have been sealed in and some have been recalled with nostalgia. Whether we are willing to think about it or not, these layers and layers of shadows accompany us day and night. The shadow always follow silently all along, when facing it, people always strive to keep what they yearn and think of ways to push away unpleasant ones. However, the shadow always stays silent and has no intention to leave or to satisfy themselves.


多少人就這樣,在影子裡面過了一生 !

How many people live with such shadows all their lives!


這樣的生命,看在龍樹菩薩的眼裡,就是時間點的停滯造成,在現實生活裡我們的肉體追隨時間,一點一滴的成長,也一點一滴的衰竭,人們無權掌握,也無力改變。但這個現實的狀態,轉換到精神層面時,可是大大的不一樣,人們在看不見的地方,肆無忌憚的堆砌一切可能囤積的過往,有些人連蛛絲馬跡都不願放過,沒有人覺得有什麼不對! 更多的人是依靠囤積過往而活著。可是已經活過的肉體歲月無法挽回,為什麼精神體的過往歲月卻被自己緊緊圈住,硬是不讓它隨著時間的過去而過去。

In Nāgārjuna’s opinion, this kind of life is resulted from the stagnation of the time. In reality, our bodies grow and collapse bit by bit with time. Human beings can’t control or change it. However, if the fact transforms to spiritual level, the result can be viewed differently. When being in the invisible state, people unscrupulously pile up all possibly accumulated bygones. Some people are even unwilling to miss any tiny clues. Yet, no one notices there is anything wrong with this. There are more people living their lives by stocking up the past. Why do we still stick to the spiritual past and confine ourselves firmly when the physical past is irretrievable? Why don’t we let bygones be bygones?!


十年,二十年過去了,現實的時間消失在自己的眼前,但精神體的影子沒有過去! 於是, 影子挾帶著巨大的反撲能量,像老鷹捉小雞般挾持著肉體,不讓肉體感受現實的存在,哪怕時代的巨輪滾滾而去! 自己無論是肉體或精神都早已塵封,連跨越出自己的回憶都是困難的,時間存在的問題,已經不重要。

Ten years, twenty years passed by. The virtual time disappeared from our sight, but our spiritual shadows didn’t! Consequently, the shadow carried enormous fight back energy, just like eagles grasping the bodies of chicks and kept our bodies from realizing the reality existence, regardless the fact that the wheel of time is kept rolling on. We had long sealed ourselves both physically and mentally. The issue of the existence of the time is not very important when it’s difficult to surpass our own memory.


我總是說著,我害怕以前,害怕人們對我說我以前說過什麼話題! 害怕我不想再學習的觀點老是圍繞我的身旁,人們總不能了解時間對我的意義,我在修學過程裡,拼了命去追上時間,自從我決定修學中觀論的思想後,想追上【現在】的時間,才發覺我活在回憶裡,影子無時無刻在提醒我,它的存在,生命中第一次懂得害怕自己,我的肉體三十歲時,影子才十來歲,沒跟著長大,我五十歲時,影子倒變成七十歲,想捏著我不放,你說: 自己的影子恐不恐怖。

I always say that I am afraid of the past, afraid of people telling me that I have mentioned certain topics before and I am afraid viewpoints which I refuse to follow kept following me. People can’t realize what the time means to me. I strive to keep up with the time during my Practice. Since I decided to learn the method of Knowledge of the Middle Way, I have tried to catch up with "the present time", but realized that I lived in the past memory. The shadow constantly reminded me of its existence. It was the first time in my life that I was afraid of myself. When my physical age was thirty years old, the shadow, my mental age, was only ten years old or so. It didn’t grow with my physical age. But when I was fifty, my shadow became seventy years old and tried to grasp me tightly. In this case, do you think your own shadow is horrible or not?



A person who doesn’t keep up with time will constantly stay in a state. Past is the past, not keeping up means burying yourself in the past. Not keeping up with the present time means having no future because the present time doesn’t stop. Knowledge of the Middle Way shouldn’ t be viewed as merely contents of debates. It’s a book that being in the more civilized era, the more radiance its Practice concepts appears.




Recall your past, pull yourself out if being sealed in and give yourself a complete path. All of these rely on the wisdom of Buddhism.


   Master Ban Ji
                                                                                                         Translated by Grace Tsai
                                                                                                          Proofread by Sophiea Kuo


2014年7月12日 星期六

清泉 Limpid Spring

清泉 Limpid Spring

在動力南禪寫了一些看法,雖然只是觀念性質,但已包括佛學以及實修的經驗,原本我對出來說些佛學,一直不感到興趣,只習慣於向自己帶的修學者負責,但處在這種資訊豐富的年代,就算是家裡蹲也不得安寧,被轟炸久了,只好跳出來,禪師說 : 一聞到說佛,便跑去漱口,用來抗議佛學被濫傳播。





感謝讀者的收閱,希望沒造成困擾,謝謝 !


Limpid Spring

In the dynamic South Zen I wrote down some views , which it contains Buddhism and Practice experiences even though they are only the concepts ,. Originally, I wasn't interested in lecturing  the Buddhism to others , only responsible for my own leading practitioners. Whereas in this era of rich information, I began to understand I could not keep it for myself and I had to say something. Zen master once said that he ran gargling to protest against the abusing spreading of Buddhism. For a long time, being a practitioner, I forgot most what I don't want to learn and did not want to go back to it. But now in order to clarify some of the points, I have to dig out something forgotten to discuss again. I often say that I am very pitiful , having to retrieve from the past. Otherwise, I won’t be able to discuss with you. One life is tiring enough, not to mention life after life. ! So I’d like to say  every sincerely that one life is far enough to move forward for those who are determined. Move on ! Do not hesitate !

Here I’ve provided some of the contents for learning, hoping they will be like a guidance to the path and inspiration while being in the misty cloudy forest

The general direction seems to have been covered. Now I want to draw a period and conclude the paragraph first. But whenever questions are raised,, I will write and give answers again.

Thank Jui-hsin , Fang-chun for translation and proofreading. Thank Jiun-do, Yun-ru ,and Hung-yuan for helping setting up network platform. Thank friends for the supports behind me, thanks!

Thanks for readers’ subscription. I hope it will not bother you too much , thank you !

Semi- mail

  Master Ban Ji
  Translated by Sophiea Kuo
   Proofread by Grace Tsai


環境的重要 Importance of the environment

環境的重要  Importance of the environment





Importance of the environment

Environmental influence in one’s life shouldn’t need more analysis. Environment not only affects the people in the olden era but the more direct effect is that it facilitates thinking and reasoning invisibly of people nowadays. It’s like the Mother Earth of thoughts driven, here are some analyses below. 

The ideology of ‘All things are resulted from the mind ’ is crucial in Buddhism. Actually, I once enjoyed the feeling and found comfort in letting my mind to set for everything. It seems less troublesome when you only use mind to treat other things. It was convenient and effortless to comfort myself with mind when having frustration as I neither need to ask help from others nor get prepared of anything (supplements we might need when having setbacks) in advance. Most of the time, it’s workable to handle everything with mind, including Practice.

Since this method is workable, I didn’t see anything wrong with it. Therefore, I kept treating everything other than me with ‘mind’. After a short period of time, I found myself only like beautiful things and will change mind when seeing unpleasant things. Just keep in mind that I am only a transient passenger and have nothing to do with those unpleasant things. In conclusion, as long as you face any obstacles related to people, things and affairs, you will try to change your mind. To discuss it further, I hated my body. The reason for that is because your mind can move forward at a flying speed, however your body feels so heavy that you might feel that the body dragged down the speed of mind. It is true like many people said, the body is an obstacle, so called stinking skin-bag.


後來我開始害怕心,因為它已經不讓我接觸外面,當我的神經系統回報它的感覺時,心無動於衷,它不想理會神經系統說,我會痛,也不要神經系統說,我餓了,"" 想整個操控身體,但身體需要很多其他的東西,不是心可以給的,一種嚴重缺乏的逼迫感催促,我回了頭去接受其他感官傳給我的感覺,清楚的看到心只是身體裡的一份子,雖然不能少了它,但也不能任由它掌控全身,而對其他的感官無動於衷。

會把自己搞到極端的不安,是因為接受提倡""這個說法的學說說 : 一切由心造。心獨處於人體外,不是一般人可以理解的,人體裡的那顆心是假的,外面那顆看不見的心才是真的,聽起來很神秘又具備誘惑力,讓人很想去看看什麼叫做真的心? 什麼樣的心可以製造世界 ?

Later on, I started to fear my mind because it kept me from interacting with the outside world. It was indifferent to my feelings and ignored the pain or hunger reporting from my nervous system. The “mind” tried to take control of the body. But there were so many things that the body needs, yet the mind fails to satisfy. A desperate sense of lacking pushed me back to accept the feelings which other sense organs give me. And I clearly affirmed that the mind, though indispensable, was only a part of the body. I couldn’t neglect all the other sense organs and let the mind control the entire body. Accepting the theory ‘All things are created by the mind alone.’ made me extremely nervous. It is hard for ordinary people to realize how the mind can stand alone outside the body. The statement ‘The heart in my body is fake, only the invisible mind outside is real.’ sounds mysterious and alluring. It makes people wanted to find out what’s the real mind and what kind of mind can create the whole world?


而我實修的結果在上面1;2篇已有了說明,當一個人不能突破精神體,肉體時,心有多麼高的境界, 已然不重要! (佛學的產生,首先攸關的問題,便是生,老,病,死,離開肉體也就是人能修學的範圍,再高明的法門也徒然) 然而講心的學說也數不清,修學者有沒想過,在古代一切都匱乏的年代裡,用""去想像一切應該是當時很重要的事,外面貧瘠時,再少了心的運作,日子會過不下去,但也有人能突破環境的限制,去做思辨,那是佛陀,龍樹菩薩,那為什麼思辨的內容不受觀眾喜歡。舉個例子;1.行善真好,心馬上感受到溫暖。2.一個講究內容的人說 : 行善很好,但行善有真善,有偽善,有已經在傷害別人不自知,還以為在行善。我想大家一定是選1,因為簡單又溫暖,2的內容多,想法也太費腦力。就這樣佛學裡的思辨內容成了冷門科系,乏人問津。

The results of my virtual practice have been illustrated in the first and second paragraphs mentioned above. When a person can’t make a breakthrough both mentally and physically, it is not so important to know how high the state of mind will be! (Buddhism was produced to tackle the premier concern of birth, aging, illness and death. Any advanced Practice method that goes beyond human’s capability is futile.) However, there are numerous theories talking about the mind. Have practitioners ever thought of the fact that it may be important to imagine everything with mind in the olden days when everything was scarce. When the external world was poor, life can be difficult without the operation of mind. However, there are still people who could break through the restriction of environment and to think and distinguish, such as Buddha and Nagarjuna (Nagarjuna Bodhisattva). Then why the content of thinking and distinguishing is not accepted by viewers? For instance, there are two scenarios: firstly, it’s great to have virtuous deeds and your mind can feel the warmth instantly. Secondly, to a person who cares about the content might say: virtuous deed is good, however, there are true virtuous deeds and fake ones. You might be hurting someone unconsciously and still thinking that you are making virtuous act. I believe most people will choose the first scenario as it is straight forward and warm. Second scenario involved too many contents and squanders too much mental capacities. This makes the thinking and reasoning content in Buddhism becomes a neglected branch. No one is interested.  



 還有一種說法,打坐的時候,念頭一直出現,一般都說不要理會,讓它一直過去,我通常不這樣教人,我會說一定要去理它(念頭),不理它怎麼知道自己在想些什麼 ? 念頭是自己的想法,它不是過客,我通過對念頭的了解看到我自己,進而改善個人的缺失,而前幾篇的文章裡,也提起過打坐是在安靜的環境裡,想法,念頭都是突顯的,這些安靜環境下的培訓,也要試驗一下自己,能不能在動態的環境裡幫助自己 ?

到底自己是站立在哪個環境? 而自己能左右環境多少? 還是都受到環境影響? 一點一滴累積在修學者心裡。


I like Buddhism with thinking and reasoning content. Through the virtual practice, thinking and reasoning, you will notice that the mind can’t exist alone. However, it makes a big difference by adding all the other sense organs with the content of the mind. For example, a problem may be solved at least 60% with all your body and resources, while mere planning in your mind can only solve no more than 10% of the problem. To solve more, the mind needs aid from others because it can’t take action.

There’s another view, when sitting in meditation, neglect the thoughts emerge into your mind constantly and let them pass on and on automatically. I usually do not recommend the idea like that. I will propose definitely need to take notice of the thoughts. You won’t understand your thoughts if ignoring. Thoughts are your own thinking, not the transient passenger. I usually understand myself and thus improve self deficiencies through comprehending my thoughts. As mentioned earlier, the quiet environment in meditation highlights our views and thoughts. These are all about training in a quiet environment. We also need to test ourselves if we can still observe our thoughts and elevate ourselves in the dynamic environment.

Try to figure out the following questions. What kind of environment am I staying? To what extent can I affect the environment? Or am I always affected by the environment? It will accumulate in the practitioner’s mind bit by bit.

 Master Ban Ji
 Translated by Grace Tsai
 Proofread by Sophiea Kuo