永恆 Eternity
在宗教的世界裡,永恆常被提到,人們對美好的事物都希望得到永恆的存在,永恆是所有宗教信徒的渴望,人活在現實世界裡,有太多不如意,就算自己的身體還算健康,外面一堆人禍像老虎一般看著人們,讓人無從喘氣,選擇或渴求桃花源變成了一種價值,當人們的眼光一直在注視著前方探求時,只能容下桃花源一定是存在的想像,其餘有關桃花源是如何存在的? 都變成禁忌話題。
A lady came along for my opinion. She
feared that she might become a sinner of her clan for her failing to maintain
their wealth and glory.
Eternity is often mentioned in religions.
People hope to keep all the decent and good forever. Every religious follower
longs for eternity. There are lots of frustrations in reality. Too many
personal problems outside, like a tiger eyeing its prey, make people hard to
breathe even when they are healthy enough. Therefore, choosing or longing for Xanadu
(the ideal world) becomes a kind of values. When people concentrate on
searching the front, they persuade themselves that there must be Xanadu
somewhere out there. All of the rest, such as how Xanadu forms and exists,
become taboos.
曾經有的富貴,也像自己擁有過的桃花源,一旦失落,惶惶恐恐的日復一日,就是不曾低下頭來看看腳下的絆腳石?長的是圓的、扁的、不低下頭來看,不知道走不動的原因在哪裡?桃花源就只能用想的,終究無緣再見 !
Once when they lost their old wealth and
glory, like Xanudu they have once been to, they merely panic day by day. Few
stop and bow their heads to look at what stumbles them. Is the stumbling block
round or flat? Not bowing their heads to reason and figure out what hinders
them, they can only imagine Xanadu and will never have chance to reach it
一個家族或一個人的肉體,都是從幼小,成長,茁壯,興起(有力),衰弱,沒落(死亡)。我們最難接受的都是後半段,曲終人散與人去樓空,一般人碰上這樣的命運,除了憂心與焦慮外,也只能隨著命運轉動,但有信仰的宗教徒都希望透過他們所信仰的宗教去解決這一切,佛學裡面這方面的經典也很多,然而 ! 桃花源肯定是無法一下子就擁有的,我的看法傾向於,在自己的信仰裡先撫平焦慮的心,除了努力尋求再次前進外,豁達與接受於人生的衰弱期,是否也是一種解脫?
There are different stages in a clan or a
human’s life. It evolves from immature, growing, thriving, weakening to
declining stage (death). It is the last half, the end of a happy occasion, and nostalgia
for the old good days that are the most difficult to bear. When encountering
such destiny, most people do less but to fear, worry or be at the disposal of a
destiny. But all religious people hope to solve the dilemma with the help of
their religions. Many Buddhist texts talk about this issue, too. However, it is
affirmative that we can’t own Xanadu all of a sudden. I prefer to ease my
worrying mind with my own belief first and then strive to move forward again.
Isn’t it also a kind of liberation to be open-minded and accept the weakening
stage of life calmly
Master Ban Ji
Translated by Grace Tsai
Proofread by Sophiea Kuo