業障正確說法是 : 我欠別人一百萬元,這債不還債主不讓我往前走,還了債別人也不糾纏自己,但債有過去世留下的,超越現在可以理解的範圍,所以很難界定,然而每一個人的人生經驗,會告訴自己債在哪裡?因為有太多相同的經歷會一直在自己身旁圍繞,命運的擺弄也是一本書,讓每個人細細品嚐自己。
前面的文章_一線之隔有提過能力問題,自己缺乏某些層面的能力,才讓自己欠下許多,所以整個還債過程也是大翻身的過程,除了是補足自己的欠缺外,還加上讓自己脫胎換骨,佛學有證悟的課題,證悟是一種智慧加非常的努力以赴,去達到自己修持的生命,所以根本沒有宿命說,也沒有消極論,為了適應傳播犧牲了過多佛學,也算悲哉 !
A correct explanation for negative karma
is: Suppose I owe someone a million dollars. Only after paying off this debt will
the creditor leave me alone and let me move forward. A debt may be resulted in
past lives, which makes it beyond our comprehension and therefore hard to
define it. However, everyone’s life experience may reveal what his debts are
because too many similar experiences repeat and surround him. Manipulation of
one’s destiny is also a book, letting everyone savor it slowly.
The issue of abilities is discussed in the
earlier article ‘a fine line between’. Our lack of some aspects of abilities
results in big debts. The process of paying off the debt is also process of
huge bouncing back itself. While making up what we lack to pay off the debt, we
also get changed and reborn. Buddhism talks about enlightenment, which is
actually wisdom plus strive for self-realization. Thus,
Buddhism proposes neither fatalism nor negativism at all. It’s sad that too
much of the real Buddhism is misunderstood for the sake of easy spreading.
Master Ban Ji
Translated by Grace Tsai
Proofread by Sophiea Kuo
Master Ban Ji
Translated by Grace Tsai
Proofread by Sophiea Kuo