2012年3月7日 星期三

肉體與精神 3 (我為什麼修因緣法) Body and Spirits 3 (Why I Practice Nidānas )

清楚的接收來自身體的訊息,近距離看見它以後,反倒可以觀想起因緣法來,第一次很親切的知道因緣法才是對的思想,身體因緣(條件)起變化不同了,當然無法再隨心所欲,想做什麼就做什麼!? 這不是心與心所的問題,人自己不能因為學理的灌輸,或宗教的教育,就可以硬扣一頂帽子,要求自己戴著,而完全不管事實呈現是什麼狀態,這好比是求救無援一般,對自己身體的求助視若無睹,有時候救援別人都比救自己積極。

Once I have clearly accepted the information from my body, and looked at it closely, I was able to see Nidānas. That was the first time I know that Nidānas is the right path. The body changed because its Nidānas has changed, so it can no longer do what it wants. This is not about Idealism. People should not put labels on themselves because of a theory or a religion, and ignore the reality. Ignoring the body's plea for help is to be helplessness,. Sometime, people are more eager to help others than to help themselves.

在因緣法的架構下,比較有勇氣跟眼睛,真正面對自己身體的不適,第一次看自己的時候,才驚覺自己像盲人一樣,眼睛是看不見的,甚至是不敢看的,好可怕! 人竟然是這樣在對待自己,假如不是自己回了頭,回應它的求救,我會知道原來所謂要修行的自己,是這麼不堪嗎?

Under the framework of Nidānas, I had the courage and eyes to look at the discomforts of my own body. The first time that I looked at myself, I was surprised that I was blind. My eyes could not see, and I was even afraid to look. I was horrified to know that this is how people treat themselves. If I didn't turn around to answer it's plea, would I know that I was so helpless and useless?

愈面對自己愈清楚因緣組合下的自己,會因為因緣條件的喪失,也跟著沒了! 很真實的思維,路變得豁然開朗。

The more I faced myself, and clearly understand the self that was composed by Nidānas, and I know that this self will disappear with the loss of Nidānas. After I started to reason truthfully and clearly, the path seems brighter and wider.

半寄 Master Ban Ji

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4 則留言:

電蚊燈 提到...


半寄 提到...

電蚊燈 :所謂比較有 眼睛是指人性裡面, 不敢面對現實的自己, 不願面對事實甚至進而扭曲真相 , 對許多事而言 ,因已呈現, 就是事實, 緣是真相的延續及變動, 所以觀因緣法產生面對事實的勇氣!

元, Yuan 提到...

電蚊燈 asked Master Ban Ji. Can you explain why a person would have more courage and vision to see their own ailments within the framework of Nidānas? Is having vision means that you can see the cause of ailments, and not speculate wildly about them? Is having courage mean that you can accept the ailments and not complain about it and further to improve oneself?

元, Yuan 提到...

Master Ban Ji responded: having vision is the willingness to see the human nature within. If you are afraid to face the true self, and not willing to face the reality and further to distort the truth, then you do not have the eyes to see. For many things, because it already happened, they are reality. Yuan (Condition) is the continuations and changes of the truth. So applying Nidānas can create the courage to face the reality.