2012年3月8日 星期四

肉體與精神 4 (我為什麼修因緣法) Body and Spirits 4 (Why I Practice Nidānas )

中國有位趙州禪師(778年至897年) ,【學者問他什麼是禪! 他回答說: 我要去小便】,去小便也是禪嗎? 當然! 若不是!? 哪一件事比這一件事重要? 人真的可以祇要精神,而不顧肉體? 肉體給予自己的真都是髒的,或者真相是精神無肉體支撐,根本無法動彈,而肉體無有精神存在也祇剩下行屍走肉的軀殼。

There is a story about a Chinese Zen Master, Zhàozhōu Cōngshěn (778 AD to 897 AD). A person ask him what is Chan (Zen). He answered: I am going to urinate. Is urinating Zen? Of course! If it is not, what is more important? Can people really only need the "spirit/mind" and ignore the "body?" Is it really true that the body only give you what is dirty? Or is the truth that without the body, the spirit/mind is totally helpless, and body without the spirit is just a walking zombie?

真有形而上跟形而下的差別? 人可能這般的被切割成兩個層面? 還是很多學說自欺也欺人? 人可以站在高峰又低頭對自己說你很髒? 讀通禪宗公案後,會發覺一件事,證悟的禪師們,是歷代(華人)最面對真相世界的修學者,如果中國佛學史少了禪宗,將遜色不少,影響所及恐怕連基本生活,都乏味許多。

Is there really a differences between body and spirit/mind? Can a human being really be split in two like this? Or is it that many theories deceive themselves and others. How can a person stand at the top and then look at yourself, and tell yourself that you are dirty? After reading the koans from Chinese Zen, I found that the enlightened Zen Masters are practitioners that truly faced the world of truth. If Chinese Buddhism did not have Chinese Zen, it would be inferior. Without it, life would probably be a little bit boring.

現在的我可以很輕鬆生活,不見得是物質條件足夠而已! 在穿透因緣法後,不用給自己要求什麼? 也不須要時時刻刻提醒自己,必須記住那個法門,我自己就在因緣裡面生存。

Now I have an easy living. This is not because I have enough things. It is because after penetrating Nidānas, I don't have to ask anything of myself. I also don't have to remind myself all the time to remember this or that practices. I just live and survive in Nidānas.

半寄 Master Ban Ji 

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