2025年2月14日 星期五

你在我心裏3 You Are in My Heart 3


















You Are in My Heart 3


The most difficult part of performing a requiem ceremony(releasing souls from suffering) is facing a life that has suddenly departed. Unexpected events often leave the soul in profound terror. 


To help a soul, frightened to the core and without a physical body to rely on, regain a sense of peace is a challenge beyond words. 


Just imagine how difficult it is for someone with a body to recover from psychological trauma—how much more so for a soul without one!


And when I face a departed soul awaiting deliverance— 

There is still one young, strong life, devastated by the sudden loss of a beloved friend, aimlessly rushing into the mountains to vent the anguish—sigh... 


The dedicating merits through prayers last for two years. The departed’s mother even guided me to the mountain where the accident happened. She pointed to the spot and said, “It happened right here. I was beside him, but I couldn’t hold him back.” After speaking, she cried with sorrow.

(Even after her own passing two years before the accident, the mother remained by her child’s side.)


At last, the soul receiving the requiem regained awareness and told me why he fell from the slope, 20 meters away from the edge.


The frantic young man, who had been secretly planning to head into the mountains for three months, kept seeing my messages on LINE urging him to stop. In the end, he was finally persuaded to return to school.


I watched these children, whom I had seen grow up, stride toward their futures—closing one chapter and beginning another.


Master Banji
