2024年12月30日 星期一

中觀27道題 Nagarjuna’s Middle Way: Greed and the Greedy





















Nagarjuna’s Middle Way: Greed and the Greedy

 Greetings, friends of NanZen!

Nagarjuna’s Middle Way Chapter 6: Rāga-raktaparīkṣā. observes afflictions and people who are afflicted. Greed and people who are greedy are also analyzed in Nagarjuna’s Middle Way:Mulamadhyamakakarika, and we read ‘but to Abhidhamma masters, “human (nature)” is not the ultimate truth or the permanent entity’ (Line 6, p 67).


‘Human nature’ is not the ultimate truth or the permanent entity. In other words, doesn’t it imply human nature doesn’t deserve so much attention? (Ha) The Middle Way masters who claim this can

Mulamadhyamakakarika, and we read ‘but to Abhidhamma masters, “human (nature)” is not the ultimate truth or the permanent entity’ (Line 6, p 67).

 ‘Human nature’ is not the ultimate truth or the permanent entity. In other words, doesn’t it imply human nature doesn’t deserve so much attention? (Ha) The Middle Way masters who claim this canindeed walk freely around the world as they wish.


It reminds me that it was also the era of Jin Yong's novels when I studied Nagarjuna’s Middle Way. In those depressing times, anyone who read of ‘observing afflictions and the afflicted.’ would be overwhelmed with admiration and shout ‘Bravo!’

 indeed walk freely around the world as they wish.

 It reminds me that it was also the era of Jin Yong's novels when I studied Nagarjuna’s Middle Way. In those depressing times, anyone who read of ‘observing afflictions and the afflicted.’ would be overwhelmed with admiration and shout ‘Bravo!’

And now, authors of Nagarjuna’s Middle Way: Mulamadhyamakakarika supplement directly that Abhidhamma masters don’t think ‘human nature’ is the ultimate truth. I would have been smiling for days whenever I think of this statement!


Who are you to say everyone is a greedy person?

On what grounds do you say everyone has greed?

There are people in different situations than you! (Ha!)

The flower exists simply as a flower, and it doesn't tell ‘humans’ that its name is greed.

Likewise, nor do humans exist for greed.

 That ‘human nature’ is not the ultimate truth helps Buddhist practitioners skip the defilements of human nature directly, and focusmore on (correcting) misconceptions of ‘human nature’. It is inspiring and cheerful!

Master Banji

Translated by Grace Jui-hsin Tsai



