2024年3月21日 星期四

相似的修行Analogies for Buddhist Practice


         去登過大山的人應該都有下面文章描述的經驗, 所以很多人在山上認為他們進入修行中的三昧境界,




Analogies for Buddhist Practice

Greetings, friends of Nan Zen!

Anyone who has ever climbed a mountain will probably know what

 the article below is talking about.

While climbing a mountain, lots of people have an experience they

 describe in terms similar to samadhi.

This topic requires further discussion in light of the experience

 described in the article below; this is a type of experience known

 only to those who have done some mountain climbing.

There are lots of pitfalls on the path of Buddhist Practice, and you

 have to watch your step so you don’t fall into them.

Master Ban Ji

Translated by Ken Kraynak



      ⋯⋯ 隔天清晨全隊像從一座孤島上被撈起,每個人都冷得打顫,在草坡上站成一排等著被太陽救贖。拔營後,我跟在大隊後面登上合歡北峰,領隊像旅行團的導遊把大家集合起來,拍了張到此一遊的合照,接下來就一路走回登山口。

 這時,一個微小的奇蹟發生了……下山的路途,我完全不覺得自己是個徹夜未眠這時,一個微小的奇蹟發生了……下山的路途,我完全不覺得自己是個徹夜未眠的人。我步伐輕盈,心情滿足而歡喜,全身肌肉柔韌且富含力量。更奇特的是,我的腦袋清澈無比。 美國作家彼得.馬修森當過特工,他在一九六O年代率先嘗試了LSD迷幻藥,體驗改變心智的能力。後來他與一位生物學家同行,前往喜馬拉雅山脊尋找高貴的動物雪豹,在自然書寫的經典作《雪豹》中描述道:「是不是高度使然?我感覺開朗、清明,再度像個小孩子。」⋯⋯

(Several quotes in this article are excerpts from a book by Chen Dezheng which appeared in the “World of Words” column in the China Times newspaper.)

Early the next morning, after being scooped up from an islet, the entire team is lined up on the grassy field, shivering from the cold and waiting to be saved by the sun. After breaking camp we follow the crowds of mountaineers making their way to the North Peak of Hehuan Mountain. Our guide assembles the team for a group photo, and then we return to the trailhead.


Then I become aware of something that strikes me as quite amazing. Even though I hardly slept last night, on the way down I don’t feel it. My steps are steady and graceful, I’m in a buoyant state of mind, my muscles are flexible, and I have lots of energy. What’s even more remarkable is that my mind is incomparably clear.

The American writer and one-time CIA agent Peter Matthiessen experimented with LSD in the 1960s, an experience which revealed to him the hidden potentials of the mind. During the early 1970s he made a field trip to the Himalayas with a biologist to search for the elusive snow leopard, based on which he wrote Snow Leopard, a classic work of nature writing in which he reflects, “Is this the result of being at such a high altitude? I feel so expansive, bright, and clear; it’s like becoming a child again.”

  Master Ban Ji

                                                               Translated by Ken Kraynak

