A method for Practice:
1. 先了解自己,從日常生活的應對中,觀察自己是用什麼態度及方法在處世,碰到事情是用什麼心情面對與處理的,從中看到自己的優點及缺失,才能知道自己需要什麼樣的修改。(我想不論你修哪一派的法門,不了解自己的人如何去修學與進步?! 我很懷疑。如果把上面的說法轉變成佛陀的說法,就是不知道自己究竟是怎麼造業? 與造福的?)
1. First, you need to understand yourself. You need to observe your attitudes and approaches in your daily encounters. You need to know how you face a situation, and what your feelings are. From these, you need to be able to see your strong and week points, so you know how to improve yourself. (I think regardless of schools or traditions, you will not be able to practice and improve if you don't understand yourself. If Buddha was going to make the same point, he would say that you would not know how you create good and bad karma if you don't understand yourself.)
2. 廣泛的閱讀或旅行是必要的,不讀書無法具備思考能力,不旅行不知人生命的不同,視野無法展開,歷代高僧達練者通常有旅行的經驗,唐朝的代表人物玄奘,到近代的虛雲,提出人間佛教的太虛,更遠及歐洲旅遊,讀書與旅行如無法兼具,又以讀書為第一條件。
2. An extensive reading and travel is necessary. If you don't read, you will not obtain ability to reason. If you don't travel, you will not know the differences in people's lives and you will not be able to expand your mind. Historically, many eminent monks had traveled extensively, from Tang Dynasty's Master Xuanzang to Master Hsu Yun of the 20th century. Even the originator of Humanistic Buddhism, Master Taixu, had traveled as far as Europe. If you cannot do both reading and traveling, reading should be a priority.
3. 建立常態性的思維能力,例如;你已選修因緣法,除看懂相關書籍外,還必須常常思考因緣法在跟自己說什麼? 自己懂得它的思考方向嗎? 努力以赴的奠下基礎後,在日常生活的應用上會漸漸熟悉,進而帶出修學因緣法的樂趣。
3. You need to establish a habit to think and reason constantly. For example, if you have chosen to practice Nidānas, other than studying related materials, you also need to think what Nidānas is saying to you. Do you know how to reason with it? If you make efforts in establishing a foundation, and used it in daily life, you will slowly see the joy of learning and practicing Nidānas.
These are my personal experience.
半寄 Master Ban Ji