拿中國人跟印度人的戰爭比較一下,會出現天壤之別,印度人軍隊戰爭時,老百姓是可以在旁邊圍觀的,依據大藏經文獻的記載會看到一個有趣畫面,兩軍在交戰時,不打戰的人們,竟然可以站在旁邊指指點點,比手畫腳評論一番,不知道這世上除了印度人的戰爭外,還有哪個國家是這樣 打戰的?
If we compare the wars of Chinese and Indians, we will see a huge differences. When Indians' armies were fighting, civilians could stand on the side and watch. Historical texts from Dàzàngjīng (Great Treasury of Sūtras) recorded an interesting scene. When two armies were fighting, the people who were not fighting stood at the side and opinionated about the battle to each other. Is there any other country fight wars this way?
On the other hand, if we look at the wars in China, in the Spring-Autumn period, many cruel and cold blooded tactics, strategies and methods were conducted in the name of the survival of the country and fame and fortune of the military advisers. The drastic differences in the wars and battles conducted under the similar context, seem to explain why these two cultures have different acceptance of the interpretation of suffering.
阿含經(原始教典) 在整個華人區域幾乎是消失的,一直到最近幾年,國際間掀起原始教典熱烈的討論,才又讓華人區域重新去看到它的價值,然而除了修學者會迫切想知道不同的修法外,一般信眾的焦點、目光還是不太可能放在阿含經身上,這是文化的距離造成的,也沒有所謂對與錯的問題。
Agama (Early Buddhist Texts) also disappear from Chinese Buddhism. It is not until recently that it received any attention. But this is due to the enthusiastic discussion of Agamas internationally. But other than practitioners who are interested in knowing about different Practices, most Chinese Buddhists' focus are not on Agama. This is due to cultural differences, and not a question of right and wrong.
半寄 Master Ban Ji
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