2024年1月31日 星期三

修佛法2 Practicing Buddhism 2



           我常常會面對有人說: 師父你10年前、20年前講過的


我常被要求在原地20年、30年都不可以動一下, 語言也不可以


 那我豈不變成阿呆師哈! 人心裡的恐懼是無以言喻的!

 那種恐懼會恐懼到要求別人都跟自己站在一條線、一個點, 然後不可以動, 人性說也說不完⋯⋯





 Practicing Buddhism 2

People often ask me how it is that what I’m now saying is different

 from what I said ten or twenty years ago.

It’s as if I’m being asked to not make any modifications, corrections,

 or improvements to what I said or wrote two or three decades ago. A

 teacher who never improves---what a scary thought!

Out of fear of change, some people cling to their current views and

 understanding, and expect others to do the same; this is human


It’s unfortunate that some people live their entire lives enclosed in a

 tiny box. Imagine the heavy burden this places on a monk or nun

 trying to teach the Dharma!

In a nutshell, my advice is to learn the teaching well, and then apply

 it to yourself, in such a way that you extricate yourself from your

 self-created, limiting views.

Of all the amazing things in this world, this one is of foremost


Master Ban Ji

Translated by Ken Kraynak
