所以, 聰明的人們應該很清楚執著是必要的!
Correct interpretation and Misinterpretation of Non-attachment
People nowadays talk all the time about non-attachment. After investigating it, it is supposed to be a term used to make Buddhist teaching more easily comprehensible.
In practicing The 4 Noble Truths (suffering, its cause, its cessation, and the path to its cessation), the level of non-attachment is supposed to be located between ‘its cessation’ and ‘the path to its cessation’, which is Nirvana. Since everything in human world is totally irrelevant to a nearly-enlightened saint, it is obviously not necessary for him to attach or let go.
However, the teaching of non-attachment evolves into a daily expression and a sanctuary commanding others to follow, where a person who adheres appears to be ordinary. No one wants to become vulgar.
Apart from a catch phrase, a throwaway remark of non-attachment /letting go is self-contradictory since worldly people can not live without adhering or shouldering. This teaching deserves deeply examining.
So does Buddhist Practice. But for adherence to examining the right path to Buddhism, how can a practitioner know if he advances?
I adhere to examining the idea I accept, and especially, the path I step on while striving to let go of what I was attached to. What a joy when having let go of the past! Therefore, the wise know clearly that adhering is indispensable.
Master Ban Ji
translation. Grace Tsai
translation. Grace Tsai