2019年7月19日 星期五

前世今生1Past lives, present life1


Past lives, present life 1



Someone asked why it is that some remember their past lives. As I see it, it would be better to ask why in most of their past lives they were members of the imperial family! Ha!

Now, the real significance of our past lives is not so much who we were, but rather the emotional tones associated with them, which adds another layer of complexity. We naturally hope that our past lives were ideal, and the same goes for our future lives. Yet what’s more important is one’s current life, embedded as it is in a web of relationships formed as we interact with others. The family in which one is born is the primary stage in which these relationships get played out, with relationships through marriage adding another layer of complexity. So when it’s already hard enough to clearly understand the relationships of the present life, it’ll be even harder to make sense of our past lives!






Even someone who’s devoted his entire life to Buddhist Practice may not be able to solve certain difficulties he has with others. Take, for example, the Dalai Lama; he’s spent most of his life in exile, and there’s not much chance that he will ever return to Tibet. When the affairs of the present life are already so complex, how could simply knowing who you were in a past life be of much use? Lots of people who claim to remember their past lives say they belonged to the imperial family in a previous incarnation, but seeing that the imperial family is no more, how should one feel about having been a member of it?

Buddhism speaks of various worlds that can’t be experienced with the normal sense faculties, and it’s easy for us to project our own imaginations onto these unseen worlds. However, if we use our experience of this world to extrapolate about these unseen worlds, they will seem less mysterious.

Master Ban Ji

Translated by Ken Kraynak


