2016年9月18日 星期日

善終 Dying a peaceful and natural death

   談一個觀念,如果一個人臨終時,被電擊,感覺會不會像進入深熟睡的人被強力喚醒? 而且還是用電擊醒的(想要病人恢復心跳)!




Dying a peaceful and natural death
           Just to propose a different view. Will it be like awaking a man from his sound sleep with strong force, say, electric-shock, in particular, when defibrillating a dying person?

          It’s odd, somehow, that the idea of dying a peaceful and natural death hasn’t been built up in the medical system. Doesn’t it take time for a senior to proceed his death, just like a new-born baby does? Dying takes time, doesn’t it? When a person is about to die and lapses into unconsciousness, is it likely that he is  waiting for his body to come to an end? Then,should we bother to defibrillate a dying person when he is waiting for his death?

              Suppose the resuscitation of heartbeats coincides with that of the nervous systems, can a vulnerable man survive another forceful/heavy striking? Or the defibrillation simply scares him to death along the way?

  Master Ban-Ji
  Translated by Grace Tsai
 Proofread by Sophiea Kuo



