2014年10月26日 星期日

踏破千重山 Conquest thousands of mountains

踏破千重山 Conquest thousands of mountains


Conquest thousands of mountains

The founder of Tian-tai Sect, the Wise Master, once meditated in the mountains and saw his parents crying for his help near his lap. He steeled himself not to be disrupted and then was able to concentrate on meditation. He himself mentioned later that what he saw wasn’t his parents but some demonic power in the shape of his parents so as to disrupt him.a


A Mahayana Buddhist Scripture, Shurangama Sutra and Mantra, mentions demon’s power. Demons are actually kinds of elf, evil spirit, ghosts and monsters. Shurangama Sutra and Mantra is considered fake Buddhist Scripture by international Buddhist scholars. But according to my personal practice experience, it should be the common practical experiences of the following practitioners. Buddhist practice is a kind of refinement in human nature and it belongs to invisible worlds. So, what are the criteria for a practitioner’s Practice achievements? Buddha established levels of Practice achievements from virtuous root to Four Stages of Enlightenment when he was alive. Mahayana Buddhism established Three Universal Truths to consolidate Buddhism philosophy. However, less and less description of obstacles during Practice is handed down. Though Buddhist classics and verification system are handed down, the lack of nowadays’ construction approach leaves a practitioner helpless when facing obstacles. If five to six people of his parents’ images appear on a practitioner’s mind and keep crying for his help, how can he copy with this when facing such a harsh test?


Buddhist practice is about elevation in one’s inner quality. There are thousands of elements in a seemingly stilly phenomenon. Practitioners need to have enough wisdom and concentration to distinguish Buddha from devils. Don’t we know our own parents well enough?! When a person with excellent makeup skills disguised as our parents, we may be entrapped and can't keep moving forward if we don't distinguish it right away. On the contrary, when we pass the test with our wisdom and concentration, we will develop greater ability and can repay our parents.



Let’s talk more about the topic of one’s Buddhist practice achievements. The first requirement for Practice achievements is that a practitioner can make himself calm down, just as the settlement of the mind in Zen Buddhism. Isn’t human’s biggest trouble from himself? One shall know clearly whether he has settled himself or not and he doesn’t have to ask for others’ opinions. Likewise, it is definitely wrong when a practitioner who is considered of great practice achievement isn’t clear of his own (practice achievement).




The same as in a real life, a practitioner must shake off hallucinogen (elf and evil spirit), magic tricks (mental problems), improper dragging forces (ghosts and monsters), and so on. The more he shakes off, the more he progresses. He becomes more confident and stable as he breaks through one barrier after another. All these are steps of becoming an enlightened person.
   Master Ban Ji
   Translated by Grace Tsai
   Proofread by Sophiea Kuo


2014年10月23日 星期四










I took the tonsure with an enthusiasm for Buddhism when I was very young. However, beyond my expectation, I was trapped in anxiety about Buddhism after I actually became a nun. Buddhism is so broad and profound that sheer reading of its texts exhausted me, not to mention carrying it out.

In order to understand Buddhism, I kept either reading or reasoning day and night, despite all the difficulties and troubles in personnel matters. The more difficult it was, the more desire I had for the understanding of Buddhism. Thirty years have passed in a twinkling. I often wonder if there is anyone trapped in the unknowing anxiety as I was before?! Thus, An Investigation into Practice of Buddhism comes out, hoping it may offer some help to my fellow practitioners.

This is a book of Buddhism thinking concepts. It hopes to inspire the practitioners to think consciously about their own problems and then to reach enlightenment. May all the determined practitioners progress as they expect.

                         Ban Ji at Nan Zen Vihara

                                          August 6, 2014

2014年10月22日 星期三



 業障正確說法是 : 我欠別人一百萬元,這債不還債主不讓我往前走,還了債別人也不糾纏自己,但債有過去世留下的,超越現在可以理解的範圍,所以很難界定,然而每一個人的人生經驗,會告訴自己債在哪裡?因為有太多相同的經歷會一直在自己身旁圍繞,命運的擺弄也是一本書,讓每個人細細品嚐自己。

 前面的文章_一線之隔有提過能力問題,自己缺乏某些層面的能力,才讓自己欠下許多,所以整個還債過程也是大翻身的過程,除了是補足自己的欠缺外,還加上讓自己脫胎換骨,佛學有證悟的課題,證悟是一種智慧加非常的努力以赴,去達到自己修持的生命,所以根本沒有宿命說,也沒有消極論,為了適應傳播犧牲了過多佛學,也算悲哉 !



A correct explanation for negative karma is: Suppose I owe someone a million dollars. Only after paying off this debt will the creditor leave me alone and let me move forward. A debt may be resulted in past lives, which makes it beyond our comprehension and therefore hard to define it. However, everyone’s life experience may reveal what his debts are because too many similar experiences repeat and surround him. Manipulation of one’s destiny is also a book, letting everyone savor it slowly.


The issue of abilities is discussed in the earlier article ‘a fine line between’. Our lack of some aspects of abilities results in big debts. The process of paying off the debt is also process of huge bouncing back itself. While making up what we lack to pay off the debt, we also get changed and reborn. Buddhism talks about enlightenment, which is actually wisdom plus strive for self-realization. Thus, Buddhism proposes neither fatalism nor negativism at all. It’s sad that too much of the real Buddhism is misunderstood for the sake of easy spreading.

   Master Ban Ji
   Translated by Grace Tsai
   Proofread by Sophiea Kuo


2014年10月16日 星期四

一線之隔 A fine line between

一線之隔 A fine line between



A fine line between

Buddhism often talks of negative karma. I myself have been mixed up between reality and negative karma for a long time. People don’t think they deserve so many events happening to them, especially the unpleasant ones. If it happens to a Buddhist, he may naturally think what happens to him is because of negative karma immediately.

People with ages almost have experiences of being involuntary. Feeling involuntary makes them easily accept ideas of fate. Too many negative feelings accumulated force them helplessly to accept that it is their debts in their past lives(their negative karma) that cause them such unpleasant happenings and to lead such kind of life.


我在過去寫的文章裡,有提過佛學是探討原因,不是懲罰性質的宗教,業障是一種自己無法抵抗的引力,在每一個人的生命裡,這種引力也是兩面刃,如果我是佛教徒,很輕易就認為引力不能抵抗,所以是業障,如果我不是宗教信徒,不輕易相信引力的力量,想抵抗到底,這兩個想法誰會勝出?! 我想大部份的人一定會認同後者,我個人認為兩者都是錯誤的,原因在於,上面兩種做法都是一廂情願的看法,沒有探究過引力的形成原因?也沒想過自己跟引力之間的對比,也就是引力的力量跟自己的力量,到底哪個力量大?面對大力量又該怎麼辦?!

I have mentioned in my earlier article that Buddhism aims to investigate reasons and is not a punitive religion. Negative karma is a kind of dragging force that can’t be controlled by ourselves. This kind of dragging force may view as a two-side knife in everyone’s life. If a person is a Buddhist, he may easily accept that this dragging force is irresistible and so it is negative karma. While an irreligious man doesn’t believe the power of dragging force and tries to resist it. Which of them will succeed in the end? I think most people will vote the latter. But I personally think both ways are wrong because both are simply out of their own wishful thinking, without investigating the causes of the dragging force. Neither of them takes their own ability into consideration when confronting the dragging force. Which one is powerful, the dragging force or themselves? What should they do if they face dragging force more which is powerful than they are?



 每一個人一生所要面對的人事問題,多到數不清,假設我們都想要自己對每件事情達到滿足點,恐怕比登天還難!不能達到生命的滿足點,是否都叫業障 ?  假設清楚自己能力的人,拿自己能力範圍的東西,是否也是真理?而要有能力第一件事便是克服障礙,業障的另一個名字,如果叫做障礙時,人生會因為能克服障礙而讓自己覺得活著的價值。


During the past days, I found most people tended to be either totally guided by or fully resistant to events in their own lives. Few were willing to face and investigate issues of dragging forces, thus resulting in some specious information prevalent in our society.

All people have to face countless troubles of personnel in their life. It should be harder than climbing up high into the sky if they want to have everything come in their own way. Isn’t it also truth for a person to take what he can reach when he knows clearly his ability and limit? The first step of developing ability is to overcome obstacles. Life becomes worthwhile and valuable after overcoming each and every obstacle.

 Master Ban Ji
  Translated by Grace Tsai
  Proofread by Sophiea Kuo


2014年10月11日 星期六

南傳佛法與大乘佛法的差距 Differences of Southern Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism

南傳佛法與大乘佛法的差距 Differences of Southern Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism


Differences of Southern Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism

Southern Buddhism is also called Original Buddhism, the scriptures of which are internationally recognized as original documentation taught by Buddha himself. People who have been to countries of Southern Buddhism know clearly that Buddhists there consider Mahayana Buddhism as devil’s viewpoint and deny it is Buddhist teaching.



Mahayana Buddhism appeared after Buddha’s nirvana. Buddha’s disciples who hadn’t got enlightenment immediately had to deal with inevitable interdependent relationships of people. As large amount of Buddhists spread out, they needed to seek help to live in the world. Original Scripts emphasized abhorrence and proposed that it was too painful to live in this world. Practitioners of Original Buddhism tried to leave this laboring world with all their heart. Anguish was unanimously accepted in Indian culture. However, with the spread of Buddhism, Buddhist practitioners got aware that all humans had to live in the world, at least they needed so before they got enlightenment. Mahayana Buddhism rose in response to meet their need for broader and deeper philosophy of living in the world.



When I practice Buddhism, I integrate practice methods of early-stage and late-stage Buddhism, known as Hinayana and Mahayana Buddhism by the Chinese. Southern Buddhism provides me with the fundamental concepts of Four Stages of Enlightenment, the practice method of which has long been abandoned by practitioners of Mahayana Buddhism. The Chinese always think the one undivided truth method is the supreme practice method. But I believe without the foundation of Four Stages of Enlightenment, any clever practitioners are not able to excel and advance. On the other hand, practice methods of Original Buddhism without Mahayana Buddhism are too anguishing.




A person who determines to have some accomplishments in Buddhism should get acquainted with both Original Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism. May practitioners get what they expect by following the steps of Buddha and integrating the fruit of the successors’ painstaking efforts. To me, Hinayana and Mahayana Buddhism are extension of sequences of ideas. There’s no difference of high /low or great/petty between them.

 Master Ban Ji
  Translated by Grace Tsai
  Proofread by Sophiea Kuo