2023年12月30日 星期六

2023年12月18日 星期一

一切見不忍 When all views whatsoever are unacceptable




When all views whatsoever are unacceptable




In the book club discussion, a passage from the āgama section of the

 Buddhist scriptures was brought up and it reminded me of the

gongan which quotes the Diamond Sutra, in which the Chan master

 Deshan is asked, “The mind cannot be found in the past, present, nor

 future; which mind, then, are you going to point to?”




如是我聞:  一時,佛住王舍城迦蘭陀竹園。  時,有長


白佛言:  「瞿曇!我一切見不忍。」  佛告火種: 

 「汝言一切見不忍者,此見亦不忍耶?」  長爪外道言:











如是我聞:  一時,佛住王舍城迦蘭陀竹園。  時,有長


白佛言:  「瞿曇!我一切見不忍。」  佛告火種: 

 「汝言一切見不忍者,此見亦不忍耶?」  長爪外道言:








There is a widely held view in modern scholarship on Buddhism that

 the Mahāyāna sutras were never actually spoken by the Buddha

 himself. Yet there’s no denying that these same sutras convey table-

slapping wisdom, so profound that it can elicit a visceral reaction.     


Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Buddha was

 living at Kalaṇḍakas bamboo grove near Rājagṛha. At

 that time the wanderer Dīrghanakha came to visit the

 Buddha. After paying his respects to the Buddha and


exchanging friendly greetings, he sat down on one side

and said to the Buddha, “Gautama, all views whatsoever

 are unacceptable to me.” The Buddha replied,

 “Agnivesyāyana, when you say ‘all views whatsoever

 are unacceptable to me,’ is this view of yours also 

unacceptable to you?”  The wanderer Dīrghanakha 

replied, “As I’ve already said, all views whatsoever are 

unacceptable to me, including this view of mine.” (Saṃyuktāgama, Sutra 969)       

 Patiently mull over this statement “all views whatsoever are 

unacceptable to me.”          

(A scholar with extensive knowledge of all the major schools of

 thought in India also summed up his learning by stating, “All views

 whatsoever are unacceptable to me.” The Buddha points out the

 contradictory nature of such a statement, and it’s worth considering

 how somebody might arrive at such a conclusion.)       

Doing so might also reveal the lack of clarity and consistency in

 one’s own knowledge!      

(For gaining a solid understanding of Buddhism, it’s very helpful to

 become familiar with both its northern and southern branches.)

Master Ban Ji

  Translated by Ken Kraynak


2023年11月7日 星期二

果報 The results of karma


The results of karma







Being human inevitably includes lots of setbacks and frustrations.

 Whenever we suffer a setback, the tendency is to deny that it could

 be the result of our past karma, thinking, “I’ve done so many

 meritorious deeds, so how could something like this happen to me?”

This is because we tend to only remember the meritorious deeds

 we’ve done, while forgetting about all the happy results we’ve

 already enjoyed.

If you only keep track of the merit you’ve made, but not of the merit

 you’ve spent, then you’ll never be a good bookkeeper!

It’s one of the foibles of human nature to remember everything

 we’ve done for others, while taking for granted all the privileges and

 good fortune we have enjoyed throughout our lives; if you think of

 yourself as a good person, then you expect good things to come your












Whenever things don’t turn out as I would like them to, I take it as

 an opportunity to apply my understanding of the Buddhadharma to

 my own life. From several years of reflecting on my own

 misfortunes, I’ve come to the conclusion that misfortune is


Meritorious deeds should be done out of the kindness of one’s own

 heart, without selfish motivations; if we make merit in the

 expectation of receiving a speedy reward, our merit gets enervated

 by our impure attitude.

In my younger days, when I was first learning how to meditate, my

 mind was so full of desultory thoughts that it actually scared me!

Ever since, I wouldn’t be so presumptuous to think of myself as

 good; anyway, I’m so busy with practicing the Dharma that there’s

 no opportunity to engage this sort of idle speculation.

Master Ban Ji

 Translated by Ken Kraynak


2023年10月15日 星期日

浮士德 Faust















Many people may consider themselves good and free from all desire

 by nature. Is good and free from all desire by nature really so easy?

Now, the desire we are examining in Buddhist practice pertains not

 only to the visible material world, but also to the mind, as in the

huatou (key word or phrase in a gongan, for contemplation) “Who is

 it who is desiring?”           

(In the Buddhist perspective, even if you are free of desire, you still

 need to know how that came about, since it is tantamount to

 liberation, and since clarity of mind is what Buddhism is all


Desire also pertains to transcending the notion of an independent


Whenever we desire something, whether it’s a frivolous desire or

 something we actually require, it gives rise to all sorts of

 entanglements that keep us very busy (this also pertains to the inner

 world of Buddhist Practice).

At present, I’d never be so presumptuous to say that I’m completely

 free of desire. Ha!

 Master Ban ji

  Translated by Ken Kraynak


2023年9月20日 星期三

空的辯證 The dialectic of emptiness



The dialectic of emptiness



Professor Lin Chen-kuo of National Chengchi University has written

 a useful article on Nagarjuna’s “dialectic of emptiness.” It can be

 read online at: http://oldthinker.nccu.edu.tw/new_paper/paper001/16-5lin.pdf

Master Ban Ji

 Translated by Ken Kraynak





2023年9月11日 星期一

讀書會好文分享Sharing of good articles in book club!



         前一陣子的某一天,我家養了12年的狗-----老皮,失蹤了。老皮是一隻很神經質的狗, 養了十幾年,有時候你想打開籠子的門餵食的時候,牠還會想要咬我。說實話,我一點都不喜歡老皮。

但即使不喜歡,老皮失蹤後的一天,還是會在它經常躲的小角落翻翻找找。 翻翻找找的時候,你明知道他八成被人抱走或是發生不幸,回不來了!但還是大腦還是循著慣性,翻翻找找,期待牠會從某個隱身的暗處跑出來,然後一切回到往常一樣----牠經常對我呲牙裂嘴,我也繼續討厭牠。

 原來,即使不喜歡,感情的慣性也一直都在哪裡! 對於事物在日常生活裡佔據不大的份量,況且如此,那些你喜歡的呢?那些在你心裡佔據份量的人事物呢?

        一件你很喜歡做的事,因為某種原因無法繼續,你明知道世間一切都是因緣法,但是你能接受嗎? 我的知道往往僅止於知道!



『三生石上舊精魂,賞月吟風莫要論;慚愧情人遠相訪,此身雖異性長存』以前讀到這詩會覺得: 情誼跨越前世今生,故事實在令人動容。

但仔細想想,美好的情誼讓人眷戀, 但如果故事是彼此相怨的舊精魂,前生今世相逢呢?一樣是相逢,彼此的糾纏,恐怕是一點都不美好了。 

不管如何,我以為舊精魂意味著感情不動如山,所以才要再相見, 如果是這樣,舊精魂對學佛來說是不是有點可怕? 色無常,受想行識亦無常,我知道啊!

 可是為什麼破不了身見? 其實,少了『受離』的自己,一直就是舊精魂啊! 舊精魂,怎麼破得了身見!




Good morning, Nanchan friends!

 Sharing of good articles in book club! 

Lao Pi is missing 

One day a while ago, my dog ​​Lao Pi, who had been raised at home

 for 12 years, disappeared.

 Lao Pi is a very nervous dog. I have had him for more than ten

 years. Sometimes when you want to open the cage door to feed

 him,he will try to bite me. To be honest, I don't like Lao Pi at all.

 But even if I didn't like it, 

the day after Lao Pi disappeared, I would still rummage around in the

 little corner where he usually hides.

 When I am rummaging around for it, I know that it will probably be

 taken away by someone or something unfortunate will happen to it,

 and it will never come back! 

But my brain still follows its inertia, rummaging around, hoping that

 he will run out of some hidden dark place, and then everything will

 return to the same as before. Then, he would still bite my tongue

 often, and I would still hate him for that. It turns out that even if you

 don’t like it, 

the inertia of feelings is always there! For things that don’t play a big

 role in daily life, and even so, what about the ones you like? What

 about those people and things that hold a heavy weight in your


Something you like to do cannot continue for some reason. You

 know that everything in the world is caused by karma, but can you

 accept it? My knowing often ends with just knowing! 


Old soul

 "The old soul on the stone of three lives, there is no need to talk

 about admiring the moon and chanting in the wind; I am ashamed

 that my lover visits me from afar, although this body is of the

 opposite sex forever." (三生石上舊精魂,賞月吟風莫要論;慚愧情人遠相訪,此身雖異性長存)

When I read this poem before, I would feel: The friendship spans

 past and present lives, and the story is truly touching. But if you

 think about it carefully, beautiful friendship makes people nostalgic, 

But what if the story is about old spirits grudged against each other,

 meeting each other in the past and present? It's the same encounter,

 but the entanglement with each other is probably not beautiful at all.

 No matter what, I thought the old spirit meant that the feelings were

 immovable, so I wanted to meet again. If so, isn’t the old spirit a bit

 scary for practicing Buddhism?

 Form is impermanent, so are feelings, perception, volitional actions

 and consciousness. I know it! But why can't I break my identity? In

 fact, without the "relief", the self has always been the old spirit!

 How can the old soul lose its identity!

 The article is written by Buddhist Nanchan Vihara Lee Wenzong

(Proof reading by Sophiea Kuo)



2023年9月8日 星期五

第一義根本不存在Sharing Buddhist Questions




Good morning, Nanchan friends! 

Sharing Buddhist Questions: 

問:根據佛教輪迴的觀念,有情的靈魂數目應該會保持一定的數目。但過去數百年光是人類的數目就增加了數百倍, 是如何多出那麼多有情(不斷分裂?)天堂、地獄難道不會客滿嗎? 


 我的回應: 佛教的輪迴觀念是變動性的, 應該說輪迴的觀念是印度教本來就有的, 佛法的主張都是變動性質的,所以就沒有客滿的問題!哈






       探討佛學其實除了《阿含經》,佛陀弟子延伸出來的《論師論典》(阿毘達摩)裡面收集非常多的辯論,這些珍貴的辯論如同寶藏! 像大家熟知的彌勒菩薩也是其中一員! 論師論典(阿毘達摩)的辯論也解答非常多的問題,





Good morning, Nanchan friends! 

Sharing Buddhist Questions: 


Question: According to the Buddhist concept of reincarnation, the number of sentient souls should remain a certain number.

 But the number of human beings has increased hundreds of times in the past few hundred years.

 How come there are so many more sentient beings (continuously divided?) 

Will heaven and hell not be full?


 My response: The Buddhist concept of reincarnation is fluid. 

It should be said that the concept of reincarnation is inherent in Hinduism. 

The Buddhist teachings are fluid in nature, so there is no problem of overcrowding! Ha 


 In the terms of Buddhist philosophy, it is called "the First Meaning does not exist at all!" (第一義根本不存在)

 This requires a very deep study) 

The karma and blessings mentioned in Buddhism are the bad consequences and good rewards caused by continuous behavior!

 The concept of “sin” isn't in the principle of Buddhism.

In fact, in addition to the "Agama Sutra" (阿含經)when discussing Buddhism, the "Abhidhamma" (阿毘達磨) (論師論典)extended by the disciples of Buddha There are a lot of debates collected in it.

 These precious debates are like treasures! The well-known Maitreya Bodhisattva (彌勒菩薩)is also one of them! 

The debate on teachers and classics also answers a lot of questions. If you understand these questions, I think many ideologies can be liberated! 

This is what I personally experienced.


(Proof reading by Sophiea Kuo)