2023年9月8日 星期五

第一義根本不存在Sharing Buddhist Questions




Good morning, Nanchan friends! 

Sharing Buddhist Questions: 

問:根據佛教輪迴的觀念,有情的靈魂數目應該會保持一定的數目。但過去數百年光是人類的數目就增加了數百倍, 是如何多出那麼多有情(不斷分裂?)天堂、地獄難道不會客滿嗎? 


 我的回應: 佛教的輪迴觀念是變動性的, 應該說輪迴的觀念是印度教本來就有的, 佛法的主張都是變動性質的,所以就沒有客滿的問題!哈






       探討佛學其實除了《阿含經》,佛陀弟子延伸出來的《論師論典》(阿毘達摩)裡面收集非常多的辯論,這些珍貴的辯論如同寶藏! 像大家熟知的彌勒菩薩也是其中一員! 論師論典(阿毘達摩)的辯論也解答非常多的問題,





Good morning, Nanchan friends! 

Sharing Buddhist Questions: 


Question: According to the Buddhist concept of reincarnation, the number of sentient souls should remain a certain number.

 But the number of human beings has increased hundreds of times in the past few hundred years.

 How come there are so many more sentient beings (continuously divided?) 

Will heaven and hell not be full?


 My response: The Buddhist concept of reincarnation is fluid. 

It should be said that the concept of reincarnation is inherent in Hinduism. 

The Buddhist teachings are fluid in nature, so there is no problem of overcrowding! Ha 


 In the terms of Buddhist philosophy, it is called "the First Meaning does not exist at all!" (第一義根本不存在)

 This requires a very deep study) 

The karma and blessings mentioned in Buddhism are the bad consequences and good rewards caused by continuous behavior!

 The concept of “sin” isn't in the principle of Buddhism.

In fact, in addition to the "Agama Sutra" (阿含經)when discussing Buddhism, the "Abhidhamma" (阿毘達磨) (論師論典)extended by the disciples of Buddha There are a lot of debates collected in it.

 These precious debates are like treasures! The well-known Maitreya Bodhisattva (彌勒菩薩)is also one of them! 

The debate on teachers and classics also answers a lot of questions. If you understand these questions, I think many ideologies can be liberated! 

This is what I personally experienced.


(Proof reading by Sophiea Kuo)


