2019年11月17日 星期日

不垢不淨 Neither defiled nor pure



Neither defiled nor pure















Friends of NanZen, hope you’re enjoying your vacation!

Our discussion of the Heart Sutra is nearly finished. In the session on

 “neither defiled nor pure” I mentioned that people tend to do things

 after calculating all the expected gains and losses. Calculating gains

 and losses is a kind of survival strategy, and it can’t be said to be

 right or wrong. For anyone on the path of Buddhist Practice, it’s

 necessary to know what is meant by “neither defiled nor pure.”

 Everybody likes it when things turn out well, but every successful

 endeavor inevitably entails dealing with some kind of “impurity.”

Now, if you don’t have a clear goal in mind, you won’t get good

 results (purity). The idea of “neither defiled nor pure” helps clarify

 what “purity” really is; it also helps someone intent on making

 progress to introspect on whatever problems one may be facing.

Consider the Tang dynasty monk Jianzhen; he failed multiple times


 in his attempts to reach Japan, and ended up losing his sight. Should


 we attribute his misfortunes to obstructive past karma? When


 attempting to do something, should one disregard conventional 


values and go ahead with it no matter what others think about it? 


Such ordinary practitioners as we are, we all benefit from our 




 experience gaining from their sweat and toil. This idea of “neither 


defiled nor pure” reconciles your contradictory perceptions, 




you to move forward.

Banji (reflections on a series of talks on the Heart Sutra in 2019)

Master Ban Ji

 Translated by Ken Kraynak


2019年7月20日 星期六

前世今生2Past lives, present life2


Past lives, present life 2





One thing I’ve learned from my study and practice of Buddhism is that we are not unitary individuals, but rather multifaceted beings. Add to this the complexity of interpersonal relationships and the task of figuring out your fundamental view of life, and it’s all much more meaningful and interesting than trying to figure out who we might have been in a past life.    
There’s so much in Buddhism that is directly accessible in the here and now that there’s not much point in groping around for things that we can’t directly experience; doing so is an exercise in futility. The best approach is to use the teachings of Buddhism to make things clear so that we can deal with them in an effective manner. Whenever we come up against our limitations, we should be pleased to have an opportunity to become more mature; every time we make some effort in a skillful way, we go a bit further on the path. This kind of spiritual growth is priceless! When you are sincere in your intention to understand the Dharma and put it into practice, you won’t take any interest in who you might have been in a previous life. Sure there are some highly advanced individuals who can recollect their past lives, but for most people there are much more pressing issues to be dealt with, in which case trying to figure out who you might have been in a past life only exacerbates your confusion. In my own case, I was lucky enough to have understood this clearly when I was still young, so I didn’t get involved 

with dubious or heterodox teachings.








Wang Guowei, “Sands of the Washing Stream”

Mountain temple, hazy silhouette in the fading dusk behind; flying birds’ shadows disappear halfway up the darkening slopes; above, a solitary chime pins down the moving clouds.

Let me mount the summit, to gaze upon the moon so bright; the divine eye---let it open that I may see the red dust; alas, it is only me I see.



This was the poem I frequently recited in my youth, while struggling to wrap may brain around some abstruse Buddhist doctrine. So when your full attention is occupied with solving the conundrums that are right in front of you, the question of past lives doesn’t even come up!

Master Ban Ji

  Translated by Ken Kraynak



2019年7月19日 星期五

前世今生1Past lives, present life1


Past lives, present life 1



Someone asked why it is that some remember their past lives. As I see it, it would be better to ask why in most of their past lives they were members of the imperial family! Ha!

Now, the real significance of our past lives is not so much who we were, but rather the emotional tones associated with them, which adds another layer of complexity. We naturally hope that our past lives were ideal, and the same goes for our future lives. Yet what’s more important is one’s current life, embedded as it is in a web of relationships formed as we interact with others. The family in which one is born is the primary stage in which these relationships get played out, with relationships through marriage adding another layer of complexity. So when it’s already hard enough to clearly understand the relationships of the present life, it’ll be even harder to make sense of our past lives!






Even someone who’s devoted his entire life to Buddhist Practice may not be able to solve certain difficulties he has with others. Take, for example, the Dalai Lama; he’s spent most of his life in exile, and there’s not much chance that he will ever return to Tibet. When the affairs of the present life are already so complex, how could simply knowing who you were in a past life be of much use? Lots of people who claim to remember their past lives say they belonged to the imperial family in a previous incarnation, but seeing that the imperial family is no more, how should one feel about having been a member of it?

Buddhism speaks of various worlds that can’t be experienced with the normal sense faculties, and it’s easy for us to project our own imaginations onto these unseen worlds. However, if we use our experience of this world to extrapolate about these unseen worlds, they will seem less mysterious.

Master Ban Ji

Translated by Ken Kraynak



2019年7月11日 星期四

Correct interpretation and Misinterpretation of Non-attachment

Correct interpretation and Misinterpretation of Non-attachment

People nowadays talk all the time about non-attachment. After investigating it, it is supposed to be a term used to make Buddhist teaching more easily comprehensible.
In practicing The 4 Noble Truths (suffering, its cause, its cessation, and the path to its cessation), the level of non-attachment is supposed to be located between ‘its cessation’ and ‘the path to its cessation’, which is Nirvana. Since everything in human world is totally irrelevant to a nearly-enlightened saint, it is obviously not necessary for him to attach or let go.

However, the teaching of non-attachment evolves into a daily expression and a sanctuary commanding others to follow, where a person who adheres appears to be ordinary. No one wants to become vulgar.

Apart from a catch phrase, a throwaway remark of non-attachment /letting go is self-contradictory since worldly people can not live without adhering or shouldering.  This teaching deserves deeply examining.

So does Buddhist Practice. But for adherence to examining the right path to Buddhism, how can a practitioner know if he advances?

I adhere to examining the idea I accept, and especially, the path I step on while striving to let go of what I was attached to. What a joy when having let go of the past! Therefore, the wise know clearly that adhering is indispensable.

Master Ban Ji
translation. Grace Tsai

2019年7月5日 星期五

不執著的正義與反義 Correct interpretation and Misinterpretation of Non-attachment

      所以,  聰明的人們應該很清楚執著是必要的!

Correct interpretation and Misinterpretation of Non-attachment

 People nowadays talk all the time about non-attachment. After investigating it, it is supposed to be a term used to make Buddhist teaching more easily comprehensible.
In practicing The 4 Noble Truths (suffering, its cause, its cessation, and the path to its cessation), the level of non-attachment is supposed to be located between ‘its cessation’ and ‘the path to its cessation’, which is Nirvana. Since everything in human world is totally irrelevant to a nearly-enlightened saint, it is obviously not necessary for him to attach or let go.

However, the teaching of non-attachment evolves into a daily expression and a sanctuary commanding others to follow, where a person who adheres appears to be ordinary. No one wants to become vulgar.

Apart from a catch phrase, a throwaway remark of non-attachment /letting go is self-contradictory since worldly people can not live without adhering or shouldering.  This teaching deserves deeply examining.

So does Buddhist Practice. But for adherence to examining the right path to Buddhism, how can a practitioner know if he advances?

I adhere to examining the idea I accept, and especially, the path I step on while striving to let go of what I was attached to. What a joy when having let go of the past! Therefore, the wise know clearly that adhering is indispensable.

Master Ban Ji
translation. Grace Tsai

2019年6月30日 星期日

接受是修行也可以是毒藥Acceptance as a virtue and as a drug


Acceptance as a virtue and as a drug







A few days ago I was chatting with a laywoman, and she said that the whole idea of debating the scriptures strikes her as quite odd and of dubious value.

I explained that Buddhism has a long tradition of logic and debate, and that it’s used to refine and verify our understanding of important matters, including the meaning of the scriptures.

She wasn’t very happy with my explanation, and said that even though she might have to accept the role of debate in Buddhism, she has no intention of engaging in it herself.

I replied, “Suppose I have a congenital stammer. In the Buddhist approach, we could use debate to inquire into how it came about that I’m different from others in this respect.”

She reiterated, “Enough already; I accept it!”

I suppose she is the type of person who never has any problems!

Buddhism, she has no intention of engaging in it herself.

I replied, “Suppose I have a congenital stammer. In the Buddhist approach, we could use debate to inquire into how it came about that I’m different from others in this respect.”

She reiterated, “Enough already; I accept it!”

I suppose she is the type of person who never has any problems!

Master Ban Ji

 Translated by Ken Kraynak


2019年6月28日 星期五






2019年6月15日 星期六

佛陀,孔子,老子Buddha, Confucius, Laozi


Buddha, Confucius, Laozi












In discussions relating to Buddhism, I’ve repeatedly heard it said that

 the three main religions of China---Buddhism, Confucianism, and

 Daoism---are not very different, and that the former two should be

 seen as arising out of the latter. This strikes me as rather ludicrous!

If Confucius were still alive and you asked him what he thought of


 Buddhism, he would surely reply, “What sort of a doctrine is that?


 It’s much too negative and pessimistic.” And if you asked the


 Buddha what he thought about Confucianism and Daoism, he would


 surely admonish you with words such as, “The world is the abode of


 suffering; liberate yourself from it by practicing with diligence.”

So I’ve never really understood why people say that these three

 religions are a way of reaching the same goal by different means. As

 I see it, if you try to walk three paths at the same time, you’ll just

 tire yourself out without getting anywhere!        

I’ve always had a lot of respect for various philosophies, and I

 sincerely appreciate all the hard work that has gone into

 systematizing them into a coherent school of thought, but to say that

 they are all saying the same thing is ridiculous.

I only know Buddhism, and I would never think of trying to combine

 it with other systems of thought.












Laozi’s Daodejing (The Classic of the Way and its Power) is full of

 metaphors and analogies. For example, he writes, “Supreme

 goodness is like water,” which could mean that goodness, like water,

 is something that is required by all living things; or it could be a way

 of praising the virtues of water. The problem for me is that I’ve

 never been able to really imagine what evil water would be like!

Then I read something quite interesting by Heidegger. He describes

 Daoist philosophy as a kind of empiricism, and this seems to fit wel

l into the German way of thinking about such things. When we

 experience things changing, it changes our view of things, and if it

 happens that that view is contradicted by subsequent experience, we

 have a hard time making good sense of it.

So you could say that our experience has to stand the test of time.

Seeing that the perspectives of Buddhism, Confucianism, and

 Daoism are so divergent, how could they possibly be integrated into

 a single coherent system of thought?

For more on the Buddhist way of explaining things, see my talk on

 YouTube titled “The Four Noble Results.”





PostscriptIn Buddhism, especially the way I teach it, one of the

 biggest challenges is to discover what you’re having difficulty with,

 and then using that as a springboard for increasing your depth of


Master Ban Ji

  Translated by Ken Kraynak




2019年3月27日 星期三

Not Coming, Not Going

Not Coming, Not Going

Here is a joke. When I try to compare ‘a few seconds’ to the popular term ‘This Instant’, my mind, being trained by Buddhist practice,

keeps shutting down. Since my brain has investigated and calculated

the existence of ‘a few seconds’, it does not know how to apply

‘This Instant’. Readers may feel confused by now.

Let me clarify it in the following example. Say seeing and

comprehending what happened take only a few seconds. When

trying to describe ‘a few seconds’ with ‘This Instant’, I question

myself right away, ‘Were it not for “a few seconds”, what would be

the percentage of “This Instant” in “a few seconds”?’  Ha! And then I

find myself too stupid to adopt this popular term because I realize

that it is about gathering of ‘a few seconds’, instead of about ‘This Instant’

Mūlamadhyamakakārikā’s ‘Not Coming, Not Going’, about time and

movement, analyzes issues of time staying. After analyzing it

critically, I am aware what minutes and seconds are like and will

follow and execute my recognition automatically. That is, my

recognition of minutes and seconds goes beyond this popular term,

stops me from adopting it, and thus I become too stupid to keep up

with the trends.

The bygone is gone,
‘This Instant’ is not staying,
The coming is not coming yet.

The three points above clarify Buddhist viewpoints of ‘not coming,

not going’, which is one of the essence of Śūnyatā. I keep observing

how time affects me and find myself having shaken a lot off and also

advanced a lot unconsciously along the way.

Ban Ji
Translated by Grace Tsai

2019年3月20日 星期三








