2024年8月24日 星期六

中觀論讀書會2. Book Club2


Book Club 


 遇到看不懂佛法的方法, 例如;「去我執」這詞,如用推敲方法如下, 我把「我執」去了!

 那就變成「我」以外還有一個「我」, 所以才有一個「我」可以去, 哪留下的這個我是? 



When you come across a teaching in Buddhism that you find difficult to wrap your brain around, there are various ways you can approach it. For example, if you’re grappling with the idea of getting rid of self-attachment, it can help to ask yourself: It becomes that there is another ‘self’ besides self, so there is aself to eradicate. What is the sense of self that remains once self-attachment is eradicated? In other words, if there is no self to get rid of, then what does it mean to get rid of self-attachment? I’ve found it helpful to think of it in this way, and you might too.



Eradicating self-attachment entails directly contemplating the causes and conditions related to its arising, so as to reveal how this attachment to self arises. It can be amusing to realize how this attachment comes about,recognizing that you are graspingattachment.


 讀書會的雅玲老師對中觀27道題的回應是; 「師父:我最近看了中觀-中論27道題這本書,第一章因緣,就讓我看得頭昏腦脹的。但,頭腦真的有在被洗的感覺,它不斷的在挑戰頭腦。我昨天很恐懼時,我在想,我的恐懼為什麼?」    

During the book club Yaling commented, “Shifu, while recently reading the first chapter on causality in Nāgārjuna’s Middle Way, my head was spinning. Still, grappling with this highly challenging material has also had a kind of cleansing affect on my mind. For example, yesterday I was feeling very apprehensive about something, but I somehow had the presence of mind to ask myself, ‘Where is this fear coming from?’”



Being human means having a body, as well as experiencing emotions that assail us at any moment. I’ve made it a habit to examine whatever I experience from multiple perspectives, and I’ve found that when examining something from the perspective of Buddhist principlesthe liberation of many things no longer has anything to do with attachment.


Master Ban Ji

Translated by Ken Kraynak
