2024年5月16日 星期四

印順長老 Venerable Yinshun




          林慶祥教授來訪提起了印順長老, 讓我想起台中華雨精舍的往事, 那時20幾歲的我跟當時還未出家的陳麗雀老師(揚三 空照)讀印老大部頭的著作,(印老鄉音重,書信請教是最好的方法)

 有些疑問就書信請教印老,從限時專送的信封看得出印老提攜年青僧侶的慈悲! 跟印老書信近一年,解開不少的佛法,沒想到三十餘年後,竟會見到為印老塑銅像的作者,不可思議的緣字!



Venerable Yinshun


Greetings, friends of NanZen!

Professor Lin Ching-hsiang visited me and talked of Venerable Yinshun, which reminded me of the bygones of Huayu Vihara in Taichung. When I was in my 20s, I read and discussed Venerable Yinshun’s monumental work with Chen Li-chueh, who was a teacher and had not yet become a nun at the time (Yang-san Kung-chao)


I wrote to ask Venerable Yinshun my doubts about the contents of his books. From the envelopes of his express mails, I could see his compassion in supporting young monks and nuns!

(He spoke with a strong accent, so inquiring him by letter was the best way)


I consulted with him by letter for nearly a year and clarified lots of Buddhadharma from him.

Surprisingly, more than thirty years later, I would meet the sculptor who made his bronze statue. What an amazing serendipity between people!


The bygones have been vividly remembered, but now, I pay tribute to these two sages who passed away.


Translated by Grace Tsai



