2021年11月14日 星期日

空 "Śūnyatā" 8


Postscripts And Acknowledgments


Hello, friends.

When translating transcriptions of the talks at AJ Hotel Hsinchu into English, our editing and translating groups deliberate on every phrase and term in order to make them clearer to English readers. For example, in “The results of karma exist, but not the doer thereof in Buddhism 2”, we mentioned the light of a star explosion we see now is actually taken place in the past, in the Ming Dynasty. And it is impossible for us to go back to the scene of the Ming Dynasty to make some change of it since all have changed with time and space. We finally settled on the term “time and space” after intensive discussion and long deliberation. To me, time and space”, is not merely a handy Chinese idiom, but a term chosen after long deliberation. It connotes constant changes.


為了把安捷飯店講課內容翻譯成英文,我們的編輯群到達隻字必究的地步!例如 : 討論時空的表達方式,1-3篇提到星星的爆炸在明代,縱使現代可以用望遠鏡得知,但還有一個明代的空間可供我們回去嗎?答案肯定沒有!我認為時間跟空間是一起變化的,時空不是我順手寫出的中文慣用詞,而是熟慮過後的用詞!


Buddhism believes in reincarnation from the past life to the next life. However, the selves in all our rebirths, past, present, and future won’t be the same and the bygone past life won’t exist forever, either. Every present self varies with Nidānas and thus, the statement life can be permanent and unchangeable is not established in Buddhadharma. As for why bothering to discuss the bygone past life, that is another issue.



In addition, the “no” in Nāgārjuna’s Eight Negations manifests all arises according to Nidānas and elaborates non-fixedness according to the nature of Nidānas, the possibility of a single cause giving rise to multiple results. When Mūlamadhyamakakārikā being introduced to the western world, as “no/negation” refers to negative sentences, westerners think it is about ideological denial of everything. However, in my opinion, the “no” in Eight Negations advocates to rectify our ingrained misconceptions and has nothing to do with negative sentences or emptiness.



“Zero” was initially considered a meaningless idea before it was well-acquainted. It is similar with śūnyatā. Śūnyatā, refering to the unfixed nature of all things, should not be degraded into hymns for academic researches because it does count in spiritual practice. Buddhist practitioners can practice to deal with problems with the notion human body and its psychological functions arise depending on the coming together of Nidānas. Nowadays, academic Buddhist research starts with Eight Negations’ 4 pairs of hymns (e.g. no arising nor ceasing) and get stuck in their definition of negation. However, Eight Negations are meant to correct the misconceptions of permanence and the static nature of things. To me, cultivating śūnyatā as a spiritual discipline to build up  conception of anattā and thus to see through my ignorance is what Buddhism learning really values in.



In addition, “A withered tree leaning on a frozen crag; for three winters there hasn’t been any warmth.” is far beyond a Chinese Buddhist hymn. Instead of merely humming a verse, a Zen master tries to express the direct perception and the level of his attainment in his spiritual practice. In fact, all Zen hymns are.



Editing and transcribing the talks are harder than composing them, and proves to be harder than we have anticipated. We thank Jean Yi-chun Lin for editing and proofreading Chinese transcriptions, CEO of Nan Zen Life Education Foundation, Sophia Fang-chun Kuo for Chinese and English proofreading, Hui-tun Chuang and Grace Jui-hsin Tsai for English translation, and laymen of Nan Zen Life Education Foundation and Nan Zen Hermitage for their long-term support. With all the help, my interpretations of śūnyatā, based on my long-term efforts on Buddhadharma, are able to be presented. We also pay homage to Master Yáng-sān Kōng-zhào of Nan Zen Hermitage for her data collection and analysis.

May Buddhadharma benefit all it reaches.

May enlightenment, wisdom and good fortune be with you.


    Master Ban Master Ban Ji

    Translated by Ken Kraynak







