2021年8月25日 星期三

空 Empitness 2


“The results of karma exist, but not the doer thereof” in Buddhism 2


Do you agree that they are different between who committed a crime before and confess after? The truth is, to repent or not, both would not be able to change the fact, and likewise, not be able to change the result of karma. Let’s put the repentance issue into this way by taking the killer and the repenter as the same person, the repenter possesses intentions to change karma. In this sense, repentance is in vain because karma is created.  Karma is also a result of the actions, instead of the doer, which means the results of karma exist. The killer and the repenter are no one in terms of who can seize the time. Literally, there are no doers in the passage of time. The explanation of this scripture in Chinese is very difficult to comprehend, for me as well as reading it in the beginning, but I rather apply analogies and our common sense to make a better understanding. In brief, it is trying to explain the issue of time and space in Buddhadharma.




According to modern astronomy, the light of a star explosion we see now is actually taken place in the past, or maybe four or five hundred years ago in the Ming Dynasty. In this sense, you should have a right to mock the repenter’s intentions of going back to the scene of the crime and to do something about it. Now looking at the sky, the advances in astronomy are telling you the force power of the past events, such as a star that exploded in the Ming Dynasty is still transmitting its energy so that we can see it today. Isn’t it interesting?





How can people with good karma continue to move forward? It depends on whether they can dispossess their Karmic results. Is anyone willing to eliminate the fruits of hard work?Not only are you reluctant, but also I am. I plant lots of trees in my garden and know planting is a hardship. Dispossession is nonsense and a big joke. But I reflect upon Buddha’s teachings carefully and contemplate that fruit (Karmic results) gets rotten with time.  The Karmic results would do their own term.   


果實,誰捨得拋捨?!工作都很辛苦,不要說你們,我常常在種樹,我也知道那個辛苦,叫我拋捨,哪有可能?在說笑話嗎? 但若以我們從佛經得到的佛法理解來講,是有這個可能,就算你再捨不得果實,歷經時空變化,它也會自己壞掉,!


Ching-te:  Does karma have timelines? Does it take time to fruition?

Ban Ji:   No, karma does not have fixed timelines.

俊得: 業報有時間性對不對?

半寄師父: 業報沒有時間性,沒有固定的時間性!



That means that you kill a person, you will be punished or need to pay him back, but may not be immediately in this lifetime, right?

Ban Ji:  Yes. Revenge is not under this discussion.

Ching-te: The karma takes time to fruition, confirmed!

Ban Ji:  Yes, it does.

俊得: 你殺一個人,你要受這個殺人的業報,但不會我殺一個人, 我馬上就死了吧?

半寄師父: 不會,所以我說業報沒有時間性!(報復性質不列入考慮)

俊得: 業報要成熟不是要有時間性?

師父: 有。



In this sense, taking the factor of time into account, what about applying timeline to “the doer”? The original doer has already changed into a new one along with the time flows. Therefore, could I say that Buddha expresses “not the doer thereof” in the context of the factor of time?

俊得: 既然業報要成熟要有時間性,那就要加入一個時空的因素在裡面,既然業報要成熟有時間性,假以時間以後的那個作者,事實上跟原來的作者也夾雜了時空的變化去了,所以他要闡述「無作者」,是不是要講這個意思?


Ban Ji:

I would prefer to let you put “the result of karma exists” in the first place. It is a dilemma if to explain karma and doer altogether. Your statement indicates that doer and karma are both presented. But as the answer, “doer” is not considered presenting or representing. Think about a further question---how could karma be carried out by no-doer?

半寄師父: 但是要有業報!這個很難闡述,很困難,困難在這裡,你這樣講很清楚, 但是業報怎麼實現呢?



It takes time for karma taken into effect. For example, the killer may win a lottery in ten years later and thus repays fifty million dollars for the victim’s past life. Or maybe he will need to use his life as redemption. The killer’s abilities and circumstances keep changing with time and space, and thereby so do karmic debts accordingly. Because the doer keeps changing, namely, there is no fixed subject of the doer.

俊得: 業報需要時間來實現。我舉個例,搞不好那個人在十年之後中了大樂透,拿著錢說希望過去那事情你不要再追殺我了,我五億給你,請你就接受吧;或者是,之後他過得更糟糕,所以他要承受這個殺人的業報。五年後、十年後的他已經改變了!所以對作者來講,本身承受業報已經跟原來不一樣,所以不能講有固定的作者 ,因為作者也隨著時空改變。


Ban Ji:

You can say so. Winning a lottery is passive in dealing with problems. Let’s discuss a broader issue on how to improve conditions to avoid misdeeds. When a boy is misled to steal by the false education, he might take stealing for granted. He did not acknowledge what criminal behavior is. But stealing is wrongdoing in common sense. Therefore, as a repayment for the boy’s stealing case is concerned, education should play a role to correct his misconception and thus misdeeds, shouldn’t it? Who should take the accountability for stopping misdeeds since the boy is also a victim of false education?





We may extend ideas of “no doer” to the case. It is more appropriate to discuss how education as the subject matter can correct what the boy used to do wrong instead of who he was. The boy may acknowledge stealing is wrong and thus stop stealing. Hopefully, he may further contribute his efforts to society as a whole. As he strives to progress, the ten-year-old boy no longer exists. He gets reborn by good education.

Cognitive change via education can lead the boy to a transformation. Perhaps his transformation can bring him good karma in terms of playing a role model for social changes. He is no longer the same boy, but people might still blame him. He suffers adversity and hatred.  The karmic force of stealing comes back around, but the boy is changing. What else remains unchangeable if the doer stayed put? After shedding light on the aspect of time-space to Buddha’s teachings like the above, I believe that there are fewer obstacles in life.




哪是否可以說過去被他偷過的人都因為他現在做了很多善事,大家保證不恨他? 不可能的!所以還是會有偷竊的業報在反應,但這個作者,作者不斷在改變他自己的內涵不斷在更新,作者會改變,如果這個作者是不變的,那就是在原地踏步,停留在原來的時空,有這個可能嗎




Life itself is just like a waterfall, as a matter of fact, we are going forward. Whatever we have gone through, ups or downs, life has to proceed on.




Ban Ji:

Right. That is why the CEO of our foundation brings up the issue of liberation that life attaches emotions.  The stronger attachment, the harder emancipation.The Heart Sutra starts out with "When Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara was profoundly practicing Prajna Paramita” implying that as a follower we should frequently contemplate śūnyatā and dependent origination. Realizing the dharma in depth will set us free.  That is really a practice. Try to constantly remind yourself to avoid emotional traps.  Happiness, anger, sadness, and joy should flow with the passage of time, instead of stagnation. That is my own method of staying vigilant against emotional stagnation. Day after day, we will get used to it but won’t feel every day is all the same.


沒有錯,但是剛才執行長講的問題,等於是說,個人去做事情後產生的喜怒哀樂打在心裏是很難解脫的!坦白講,佛經,在《般若心經》時講到 「行深般若波羅蜜多」,「行深」經文的意思是希望你在聽到佛法以後,你的大腦能常常去思考「空與有」的問題,思考這樣的問題,接受這樣的佛法,進而得到某一種程度的解脫!所以叫作「行深」不是隨便聽一聽。然後,就叫修行了嗎?





Memory becomes strong attachments that are the fundamental problem. How to manage memory and the emotion of the past so that they can move on with time? Applying Buddhadharma to cultivate your brain is the way to attain wisdom and helps overcome obstructions to some extent. Once you find the method to overcome obstacles, it is hard for you not to progress.

In my practice experience, Buddhadharma will wake up our brain when feelings couldn’t move forward.



Prof. Atun:

To a large extent, applying the concept of change only to karma is less complicated than to the existence of the doer.  As far as the changing of time-space is concerned, there is no such a good-bad dichotomy assigned to karma Rightness may turn into wrongness and vice versa. That is what we got the lessons from the history.  Why do we put the problem of karma on the top? It is easier to solve the issue of time-space without troubling ourselves the existence of doer.

阿惇老師: 把時空變遷的議題帶到業報裡討論比較容易,因為業報存在,但會因為時空變遷,所以業報沒有固定善惡之別,過去是錯的後來變成對的,或者本來認為是對的後來變成錯的,那怎麼不談業報本身在時空下是不定性的?


Ban Ji:

We need to analyze three milieus that may lead to misdeeds; first, false educations for misbehavior; second, personality traits motivate greed, anger, and ignorance. For instance, stealing is a result of greed and personal vanity. Thirdly, the karmic force that keeps people in the life cycle up and down. All consist of good times and bad times.  For instance, when going through bad times, one would be more likely to do wrong involuntarily. Upon these three conditions, the first step is to identify which background gives rise to the misdeed. Then we can discuss karma. Is it the problem of education, personality trait, or the so-called life cycle? There are ups and downs in life. It depends on the life cycle, all men are mortal, and things will end and then come to the next period/ life (in samsara (cycle of life and death)). Every life and death is temporary. We can overcome our obstacles and mistakes by distinguishing which stage we are standing and then striving to improve for a better future.

半寄師父: 談這個要分析很多,第一、我是被教育教錯去做的;第二、我自己的貪嗔癡促使我去做的,我喜歡的東西,沒有錢我去偷,自己的貪欲促使自己去做的;第三、佛學最終還提到一個人既使再富有,他的生命週期到了也會結束!



Doers and action (the results of karma) have reciprocal impacts on each other.  In other words, those who stand high have ever gotten a broader view, whereas suffering from failure may bring themselves different visions. Changes for the better. The constant interaction between doer and karmic results indicates that the source of life is un-determinedness and movability.

    Master Ban Ji

      Translated by Ken Krayna




