2020年4月17日 星期五

簡論因緣果1Causes, conditions, and results in a nutshell


Causes, conditions, and results in a nutshell 1







Yesterday I got an unusual message on Line; it may have been a

 scam, and it reminded me of the need to also be vigilant in Buddhist


As I’ve mentioned before, our foundation doesn’t solicit outside

 funds, not to put on airs of being aloof from worldly concerns, but

 rather because I don’t want to have to compromise my freedom of

 thought in my study of the Buddhadharma; this is something that

 has strengthened my trust in the results of causes and conditions.

 Wealth is usually gained only by hard work. If you understand this

 point, you know where money comes from and that you have to use

 it responsibly. So the longer I’ve been practicing Buddhism, the less

 interest I have in money! Wealth doesn’t come easily, so it should

 not be used frivolously!     

Now, if your life is a mess, then so will your financial dealings. And

 if you come under the sway of the topsy-turvy values of the world,

 then you won’t see the law of cause and effect. But if you quiet the

 mind you’ll gradually gain a solid understanding of the

 Buddhadharma, including the teaching on causes, conditions, and


(A lot more could be said about conditions, but not here)       

(I’m grateful for having had the opportunity to learn this aspect of

 the buddhadharma; it’s not merely about ethics; it’s also about

 understanding the nature of reality!)

Master Ban Ji

Translated by Ken Kraynak

