2015年4月23日 星期四

悉達多的流浪故事自序:流浪者之歌 Preface : Siddhartha

《悉達多的流浪故事》自序:流浪者之歌 Preface : Siddhartha








Preface : Siddhartha

Buddhist Practice has appeared to be a mysterious veil all the time. Reading Siddhartha (by Hermann Hesse) again thirty years later, I find it amazing that I still persist in Buddhist Practice as before. Moreover, the lingering touching of practicing Buddhism urges me to write down my psychological processes of renunciation as a nun. I hope my experience might provide a different viewpoint of Practice metaphysics and help thousands and thousands of mental wanderers to have a clearer idea of Buddhist Practice as well.

My reading lists covered from German philosophers, like Nietzsche, Siddhartha to Descartes’ ‘I think, therefore I am’. I believe people of my times have read them all, too.  If not, at least they have known of The Sorrows of Young Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

‘Solution to life’, as mentioned in Siddhartha, is what most mental wanderers search for in all their lives. I started my days of solitude after Buddhist visiting period. People would naturally advocate that monks and nuns should be compassionate for all the humans. However, it was hard for me to carry it out at that time. I was still too weak to initiate my own Practice or furthermore, to face the crowds. Therefore, solitude became my best companion.

As times progress, Buddhism is well-propagated. As a result, collective consciousness is reinforced and consolidated. ‘Kindness, compassion, joy, and unselfish giving’ evolves to become the only criterion. Whether individuals are relieved or not is ignored and no one cares about it anymore.

I have entered my 50s. When looking back and noticing so many excellent German philosophers failing to find their solutions out, how sorrowful I feel for them! In contrast to them, how gratified I am!

 It occurs to me that I might be able to provide some clues for those who are still struggling to find their solutions.

It has always been my belief that no one can give others a hand until he himself has been relieved.  And I still believe in it by now.

Follow Siddhartha to explore the journey of developing wisdom. May you develop your own as well on the journey of pursuing mental wisdom.

Master Ban Ji

Translated by Grace Tsai

Proofread by Sophiea Kuo


