2014年6月1日 星期日

雞與蛋 Chicken Or The Egg

雞與蛋   Chicken Or The Egg

雞與蛋這個老掉牙的話題,辯論到今天也沒什麼結果,大家會不會好奇佛學對它的看法 ?!   

Chicken Or The Egg

The chicken or the egg causality still remains to be an unsettled debate. I wonder if anyone is curious about the Buddhist view of this issue.




In Buddhism, there is a classic book called Agama, which documented a story of a practitioner expressing his strong discontent to Buddha. He complained that Buddha did not teach him whether the earth is round or flat. Buddha replied, “When you ask to be my student, I never promise you to teach you the shape of the earth; thus, I will not answer to your complaint.” (Buddhism focuses on life issues.)




Clearly, Buddhism does not argue this kind of topic, because this issue doesn’t help practical Practice.   Buddhism emphasizes on ideas which can be used to Practice.




Buddha then made ​​a metaphor: If a man is shot by an arrow, the first thing he should do is to pull out the arrow, and heal the wounds. But if he chooses to chase after the unknown man who shot him instead of curing himself, unquestionably, he is doomed to die.



後來佛學修學者,一直在談論一個話題,無始無明,沒有開端,或起頭的黑暗,這個話題如同中箭的譬喻,眼前的黑暗,不明白不去解決,卻一直爭論從很久又很久以來的無明,(這就如同不去想人要死了,該怎麼辦卻一直說 : 人每一生都得死,簡直是嗚呼哀哉 !)      

Later on, Buddhist scholars have been talking about a topic, without beginning and unknowing, or the beginning of the darkness. This topic is as arrows analogy. In front of the darkness, do not solve the problem , but debate the long-time  issue . (It is like not to think about the dying people, but to say that each person must die some day. Alas! )



一個要實際去做的修學方法,變成大家都做不到的黑暗,可憐又可笑,把修學程度弄到這樣的地步,是不是只能端到象牙塔裡去供奉 ?!

A method of  practical Practice becomes too dark to follow. How pathetic and ridiculous! Why does a practical method evolve into this situation?  Does Buddhism deserve merely to be worshipped in the ivory tower? !




The reason Buddhism can have so many followers is that Buddhism itself establishes a correct theory. And  it convinces and confirms the world the values of its own ideas through speculation and empirical Practice.



佛陀以後的修學者,理論懂得比較多(甚至去扭曲它),實際證悟的比較少,理論不一定得實際修學出來,去發展理論當然比較快,又大大的舒暢(對讀書人而言),是不是這樣的舒暢,讓讀書人把佛學越推越遠遠到天邊大家都勾不著,而且也不用對實際的修學提出交待 ?!

More Buddhists after Buddha became to merely know the theories (or even misunderstood/distorted the theories), rather than truly learn them through the enlightenment of practical Practices. Theory, however, can be formed without practical Practices. Not only is it faster to simply develop a theory, but one also gets a great ease and pleasure afterwards.

But, we have to ask: is it this ease and pleasure that pushes Buddhism further away from reality, that makes Buddhism impalpable, that even makes practical Practices dispensable?



I have no intention to attack anyone. I just want to point out a possible reason why Buddhism later becomes so distant and abstruse!




Buddhism attracted me because it has practical Practice. I do not interfere in what the big dream of ignorance(only ignorance and unknowing no dream), or no beginning and unknowing. How clever is the thinking ? ! I don't think so!(we have to learn because we don't understand.) There's no difference from the Western philosophy.




The failure of Western philosophy is that it does not have practical Practices; instead, it just circles in theories. If Buddhism were to stagnate in a phase of pure theory, how do we even dare to face Buddha himself?




 In conclusion, Buddhism gives no comment on the chicken-or-the-egg question. It only studies how to make use of chicken and eggs.

   Master Ban ji 
   Translated  by Bernie  Yang
    Proofread  by Sophiea  Kuo

後語;如果有人像蘇格拉底,可以被他老婆潑水而面不改色,可以不用修學了。哈哈 !

Epilogue: One need not Practice if he is like Socrates, who didn’t even say a word after his wife poured water all over him. Ha! Ha !








