自古忍耐就是一種美德,不斷被讚頌著,其實每一種對人事的看法,都無法臆測真正實行以後,它會呈現的面貌,也不見得是被提倡的想法不對,用幾個角度來看看,1 如果對別人的不友善,都無法忍受,那有可能自己也得常陷入跟人紛爭的世界,2 如果每件不愉快的事都用忍耐的態度去承受,誰都會被壓垮,3 有良心的人反擊別人以後,通常會自己先難過
About tolerance
Someone tells me a view that a religious practitioner should tolerate all the negative attitudes from others. However, tolerance doesn’t solve the problem, only to make one exhausted.
Tolerance, in Chinese culture, has been a virtue for long and is praised constantly. No one can predict exactly what will happen if we bring our ideas toward people/ things into action. The view mentioned above may not be wrong. However, let’s consider it in some angles. First, if we can’t endure unfriendliness from others, we may often have to conflict with others. Second, whoever collapses if he takes everything negative with tolerance. Third, after fighting back, a conscientious man usually feels sorry first.
A religious man usually presumes that if I don’t attack people, they won’t attack me. But he often suffers. You can’t control others because they may not see eye to eye with you. People choosing to tolerant don’t accept tolerance is useless easily. After being attacked, they comfort and persuade themselves that things will be solved by themselves if they keep tolerating. They believe attackers will be punished by justice.
Just to analyze, being attacked is dynamic and in action, while waiting quietly for things to be solved is static. Which can cause an effect (a result)? Once you know clearly something needs to be solved, you should try to solve it. This way, you will take your situation differently. And other than tolerating, you will have more ideas and ways of facing it.
佛學裡邊提供了打坐(增強定力,進而產生抗壓能力)思考能力(想辦法解決事情),定與慧交換使用,但對一般人來說,太遙遠了,摸不著,然而人際關係本身就是一個大題目,自己沒有一些思想內容,怎麼能讓自己過上好日子?! 更何況大部份的教學都傾向清心寡欲,不與人爭,讓人不選擇忍耐都不行,外面都說:退一步海闊天空,但退一步所帶來的傷害,要自己承當得起來。跟進一步都是一樣的,進一步也不容易。
Buddhism provides meditation (to build up concentration and the ability to resist pressure) and thinking ability (to have wisdom to solve problems). Concentration and Buddhist wisdom swap to use in Buddhism practice. But it’s too distant and untouchable for ordinary people. The interpersonal relationship itself is a big issue. How can you live confidently and freely if you don’t think and work out your own philosophy of life? Most teachings require us to have less desire, not to conflict with others, and thus force us to tolerate. Some may preach, “One step back, all troubles away.” But when stepping back, you need to face the music just as progressing further. Neither is easy.
The real Buddha led and taught big groups of people (monks/nuns and Buddhists at home), and he definitely not taught them to tolerant only. Just as Confucius had 3000 pupils, his teaching methods were well considered in every respect. Both hope to train their pupils to be wise, kind, and brave, instead of teaching them only one viewpoint. The later generation tends to like simplified and (what they think) smart philosophy because of their laziness. I say, “When stepping back, the trouble is there. And when progressing further, the trouble is also there. “Don’t teach people slogan-like philosophy easily because it stops many people from thinking. Unfortunately, many people like to preach such philosophy.
Furthermore, sometimes things just can not be solved even when we try our best to solve them. A person with wisdom also needs to accept this fact.
Master Ban Ji
Translated by Grace Tsai
Proofread by Sophiea Kuo