2014年4月23日 星期三

神秘經驗 About mysterious experience

神秘經驗 About mysterious experience

相信很多人都有求神拜佛的經驗,不管你的祈求內容是什麼 ?  應該都會想知道究竟有沒有神在聆聽你訴說?
About mysterious experience
I believe many people have worshipped Buddha at temples to pray to gods for blessing before. No matter what you earnestly pray for, you may wonder if there is a god listening to your prayer.

神給你好運氣,是祂製造出來的?! 還是祂去別的地方拿的,人們一定肯定說,祂製造出來的,因為神無所不能(請注意,神的定義是廣泛包含各民族被祈求的神),在這裡 我不想探討神是不是存在? 我比較有興趣說說人性。


一般人生下來就有人性,會貪婪,膽小,陷害別人,這些特質無敵鐵金鋼一點點都沒有,祂有的是權勢,勇敢,智慧,而且不需要歷練,徹頭徹尾的天生麗質,還好像,應該說是屬於祂的資源永遠都用不完,誰站在這樣人的面前,都顯得渺小,自卑,除了頂禮膜拜加祈求祂給自己一些什麼外! 還能想些什麼?
Does god himself make the good luck he gives you? Or does he take it from somewhere else? People will certainly say god makes it himself because he is almighty. (please note, the definition of god here extensively includes gods that people of various nationalities earnestly hope to) Here, I don’t want to probe into if god exists. I am more interested in talking about human nature.

A lot of myths speak of some humans with special characteristics. They were born almighty and fearless of fire and water. It’s they that control fire, water, and even everything in the world.

Ordinary people are born with human nature, such as greed, timid, and framing others. In contrast, the almighty, born perfect in power, brevity, and wisdom, seem to own endless resources effortlessly.

Whoever standing in front of such people appears insignificantly small, inferior. What else can he think of other than worshiping or praying?



如果說一個教主或導師一生下來就跟我們不一樣,祂沒有人性的麻煩跟無能,請問我如何跟祂學習,克服人性的本領,就算只是祈求祂給自己一些什麼 ! 那也要祂聽的懂(),比如說,一個醫生從來沒有過生病的經驗,從來沒有喔! 他真的知道你身體的痛苦,真的知道什麼叫做痛(因為他沒有痛過)。如果你是他的病人,他會允許你的病他治不好嗎?  治不好一定是病人的問題 !?  因為他沒生病過。

There are countless religious books about all kinds of methods for practicing in the world. These books basically admit that Practice enables humans to become better and more satisfying. If a founder of a religion or a mentor were born differently from us and free of human weakness, could he teach me how to overcome human weakness? How can he answer my prayer? He should at least understand what I lack and am praying for. For example, if a doctor is never ever sick, not even once, can he really understand the pain of your body or what pain is? (because he has never experienced pain before). If you are his patient, will he accept that he is unable to cure you? It must be your problem if he can’t cure you. Because he doesn’t get sick. Similarly, if you get whatever you pray for at no expense every time, can you enjoy your good luck at ease? Why do you always get what you pray for? Is it because you are so adorable and God favors you? Or is it just because you have sunk down into being a member of devils unconsciously?

 很多的神話敘述把人性這部份抽離,一抽開人性後,讓有人性的人無從對應(不知道沒有一般人性格的人,是長什麼樣子?),無從對應當然更無法分辨祂是誰? 那如果說我很怯懦,需要能力,也承認自己是這樣的人,等於把精神體從看不見的世界,拉到自己摸的著的眼前,也就是清楚知道自己欠缺的是什麼!?這時候很多神秘的幻想應該會消失。
In many myth stories, human nature is drawn out, letting a man with human emotions not know how to deal with his human nature.(I wonder what a person without human nature looks like) If I confess that I am coward and need ability to overcome it, I drag myself from the invisible world to face problems at present.
And much mysterious imagination may disappear at this instant.

Buddhists regard Buddha as King of the doctor, who can heal all mental sicknesses. They think he was great because he was born of miracles, not because he succeeded in elevating himself from a human being. This attitude forces many practicing methods which can be clarified originally to become mysterious.


Is it humanity to hope for a savior to shoulder everything for us and thus forms mythology? We don’t expect the savior to be a human being. How can a human save us and shoulder our sin? Actually, human beings underestimate themselves. Though human nature is troublesome, those who are determined to cultivate themselves can still walk their own paths. For example, every time when I do something wrong, I reflect on my behavior and take actions to correct it up. I may see a different me after doing this for a long time. The achievement of self-remolding makes living worthwhile. Spending long time remolding and constructing ourselves means far more beyond the miracles of gods.
Should Buddha be greater than ordinary people, it’s because he succeeded in cultivating himself by Practice, not because he was born differently from us.
Things beyond sight leave much space for imagination. The more mysterious it is, the more interested we are. Making efforts to elevate ourselves, to turn cowardliness into brevity is also what we seek eagerly.

  Master Ban Ji
  Translated by Grace Tsai
  Proofread by Sophiea Kuo   

2014年4月9日 星期三

忍耐 About tolerance

忍耐  About tolerance

自古忍耐就是一種美德,不斷被讚頌著,其實每一種對人事的看法,都無法臆測真正實行以後,它會呈現的面貌,也不見得是被提倡的想法不對,用幾個角度來看看,1 如果對別人的不友善,都無法忍受,那有可能自己也得常陷入跟人紛爭的世界,2 如果每件不愉快的事都用忍耐的態度去承受,誰都會被壓垮,3 有良心的人反擊別人以後,通常會自己先難過
About tolerance
Someone tells me a view that a religious practitioner should tolerate all the negative attitudes from others. However, tolerance doesn’t solve the problem, only to make one exhausted.

Tolerance, in Chinese culture, has been a virtue for long and is praised constantly. No one can predict exactly what will happen if we bring our ideas toward people/ things into action. The view mentioned above may not be wrong. However, let’s consider it in some angles. First, if we can’t endure unfriendliness from others, we may often have to conflict with others. Second, whoever collapses if he takes everything negative with tolerance. Third, after fighting back, a conscientious man usually feels sorry first.

A religious man usually presumes that if I don’t attack people, they won’t attack me. But he often suffers. You can’t control others because they may not see eye to eye with you. People choosing to tolerant don’t accept tolerance is useless easily. After being attacked, they comfort and persuade themselves that things will be solved by themselves if they keep tolerating. They believe attackers will be punished by justice.

Just to analyze, being attacked is dynamic and in action, while waiting quietly for things to be solved is static. Which can cause an effect (a result)? Once you know clearly something needs to be solved, you should try to solve it. This way, you will take your situation differently. And other than tolerating, you will have more ideas and ways of facing it.

佛學裡邊提供了打坐(增強定力,進而產生抗壓能力)思考能力(想辦法解決事情),定與慧交換使用,但對一般人來說,太遙遠了,摸不著,然而人際關係本身就是一個大題目,自己沒有一些思想內容,怎麼能讓自己過上好日子?! 更何況大部份的教學都傾向清心寡欲,不與人爭,讓人不選擇忍耐都不行,外面都說:退一步海闊天空,但退一步所帶來的傷害,要自己承當得起來跟進一步都是一樣的,進一步也不容易。
Buddhism provides meditation (to build up concentration and the ability to resist pressure) and thinking ability (to have wisdom to solve problems). Concentration and Buddhist wisdom swap to use in Buddhism practice. But it’s too distant and untouchable for ordinary people. The interpersonal relationship itself is a big issue. How can you live confidently and freely if you don’t think and work out your own philosophy of life? Most teachings require us to have less desire, not to conflict with others, and thus force us to tolerate. Some may preach, “One step back, all troubles away.” But when stepping back, you need to face the music just as progressing further. Neither is easy.

 The real Buddha led and taught big groups of people (monks/nuns and Buddhists at home), and he definitely not taught them to tolerant only. Just as Confucius had 3000 pupils, his teaching methods were well considered in every respect. Both hope to train their pupils to be wise, kind, and brave, instead of teaching them only one viewpoint. The later generation tends to like simplified and (what they think) smart philosophy because of their laziness. I say, “When stepping back, the trouble is there. And when progressing further, the trouble is also there. “Don’t teach people slogan-like philosophy easily because it stops many people from thinking. Unfortunately, many people like to preach such philosophy.

Furthermore, sometimes things just can not be solved even when we try our best to solve them. A person with wisdom also needs to accept this fact.
 Master Ban Ji
 Translated by Grace Tsai
 Proofread  by Sophiea Kuo







論佛學念頭(想法) About the notion in Buddhism

About  the notion in Buddhism
人生四大階段,前面三個階段容易看見,唯有死亡孤單而且看不到,也無法再跟旁人交代什麼感受,一切任憑活著的人想像,於是有人認為死亡前有了什麼想法 (也就是所謂念頭) 是會引導人去投胎在那邊的,比如說;我死亡前很生氣(瞋恨心)不管生氣是為了什麼 ? 都可以導引我去投胎在所謂瞋恨世界裡。
 I will write some articles in a new and easy to understand viewpoint to make Buddhist teachings easier and clearer.
About the notion in Buddhism
Everyone experiences four stages in his life ---birth, aging, illness and death. We can observe the first three stages easily. Only death is lonely and invisible. Since a dead person can not tell how he feels to other people, everything about death is but the imagination from the living people. Therefore, some people may suppose that what a man thinks (so-called a notion) before death may lead him to reincarnate in a certain world. For example, if a man were angry before his death, he would be led to a world of anger and hatred, no matter why he was so angry.

Some Buddhist teachings discuss transmigration (of the soul) and an afterlife. If there’s an afterlife, where we may reincarnate becomes important. However, Buddha also taught us about Causes, Conditions, and Karmic results (Karma). According to Karma, all the efforts in our life should be the most important. For example, if I am glad to help others in my life, I may accumulate 100 points of Karmic results of helping people. The 100-point Karmic result will not disappear completely just because I have something unpleasant with other people before my death. Contrarily, if I am not happy to help others, I will not get a 100-point Karmic result just because I have done a one-point good deed before my death.

人一生的行為就是一個記錄器,()耕耘的一切帶著()走向自己的路,自己的前途,這才是佛法要說的,死亡,人生最後階段,也是最無力的階段,真能引發什麼下一世的後果嗎 ?
The acts in one’s life are like a recorder. All your efforts lead you to your own path and to your own future. This is what Buddha really tried to teach us. Can death, the last and the most helpless stage of one’s life, result in any consequences in an afterlife?

在所有的佛經裡,都要求修學者必須要有智慧,有智慧的第一個條件是大腦要動,但是大部份的人都是照單全收,比如我前面說的,有人說動一個唸頭(想法)便可以引導你去哪裡 ?!
All Buddhist texts require practitioners to have wisdom. The pre-requisite to be wise is to have your brain question, think and distinguish. However, most people accept things without doubt, such as the argument I discussed before “a notion before death determines where you may go”.

In fact, our brain runs twenty four hours a day. What kind of inking, may I ask, is so powerful that it can lead a man to a certain world right away? Only one thought, whether good or bad, can do this. It’s the power of putting a thought into practice.

Why does a thought become so important in practice? A man who has the experience of meditation knows that once sitting down, he has all kinds of thoughts in his brain. He may be shocked by the unfamiliar self and his chaotic brain.

Many practitioners hope to have clear brains.  They hope to have brains that listen to themselves and can concentrate right away when they ask. Therefore, it becomes a common consensus that it’s wrong to have thoughts when in practice. In a silent atmosphere, even a breath appears so obvious, heavy and loud, not to mention of all the thoughts in the brain. The chaotic thoughts in the brain appear so horrible.

After being shocked by themselves, people start to feel horrible about the thoughts in their brains. From practicing meditation, torn by their own thoughts, to training themselves to concentrate over and over again, some people elevate the concentration of their brains after two or three years . The high-level practitioners start to feel the brains contain endless treasures and numerous knowledge emerged.

The process of a man finding himself and further forming a theory is just like an adventure. It’s full of tears and joys.

用腦的人相信腦,用身體的人相信身體,其實一個念頭(想法)就衹能是一個因(起頭),不管是平時的想法或者是打坐中有的念頭,都需要緣(動力作用)的助長,緣是條件成立的関鍵,更可能是一件事情或者修行成不成功的主要因素,比如說; 我想自己種菜吃,想有什麼?是一個因, 再下來從擁有種子到播下種子,到灌溉,除蟲,施肥,種種緣的條件促成,才能再論及果的收成.
Those who use their brains trust their brains, and those who use their bodies trust their bodies. Actually, a single thought can only be a Cause( start). A notion, whether in ordinary times or in meditation, needs the help of a Condition(the power of putting a thought into practice). The Condition is the crux to determine whether a condition is valid or not, and even, to determine whether a thing /practice is successful or not. For example, I want to grow some vegetables to eat. What kind of vegetable I want to eat is a Cause. The following steps of having seeds, planting seeds, watering, getting rid of bugs, and fertilizing bring about the harvest. All kinds of conditions, the Condition, contribute to Karmic results.

It’s worth celebrating if a man succeeds in cultivating his brain.  Otherwise, how can a man’s notion, I fit were so weak and powerless, can determine his own destiny

The statement that notion before death affects the last breath of many people is widely spread in the place where I live (here in Taiwan).
Master Ban Ji 
                                                                                                         Translated by Grace Tsai
                                                                                                         Proofread by Sophiea Kuo