2011年8月31日 星期三

知識,體會跟修行 Knowledge, Empirical Understanding, Practice

在我們探討真相的過程 ,我們需要了解「知識」和 「體會」的差異。「修行」是「知識」和 「體會」的橋樑。

In our search for the Truth, knowing the differences between "knowledge" and "empirical understanding" is of vital importance, and the bridge between "knowledge" and "empirical understanding" is "practice".

了解真相需要明白跟體會 「空」「因缘」。只有「修行」能讓您達到這個境界。

The path to know the Truth is to understand Śūnyatā and Nidānas. The path to understand Śūnyatā and Nidānas is to empirically understand them. The path to empirically understand them is through practice.

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科學與佛學 Science and Buddhism


Science uses math to search for the Truth. Buddhism uses self-reflection to search for the Truth.


Science searches for the Truth in the visible realm of physical world. Buddhism searches for the Truth in the invisible realm of human nature.


Science and Buddhism are not mutually exclusive. They complement each other. Because in the end, they both arrive at the same Truth.

2011年8月30日 星期二

中觀論今釋 A Modern Interpretation of Mūlamadhyamakakārikā (Knowledge of the Middle Way)


“A” is an unknown. In order for “A” to exist, many conditions are required. Before “A” exists, we cannot consider the unknown as “A”. But because “A” is a composition and relies on many conditions, we do not consider “A” to exist as a definitive entity once “A” comes to existence. Before a phenomenon exists, we cannot presume that it will exist. Once it exists, we also cannot consider it to be definitive.

這些很多人懂,但我們要做的是融入思考,亦既不斷修正自我(實有)認識的錯覺 (錯誤的以為自體就這樣存在)。

Many people know this concept, however, we all need to incorporate this concept into our thoughts and continuously correct our misconception that we exist as a definitive entity.

緣起性空(法性),諸法之性,雖然是性空緣起,但不能脫離軌道(法則)。 簡單說就是不能說無因之果,或無果之因。緣的內容是廣泛的一切,但絕對不脫因的存在。 請注意「因」是一種可能,不是種子,不是單一存在。

(Dependent Origination) implies that all phenomenons' characteristics are Śūnyatā. Even though all phenomenons' characteristics are Śūnyatā and that implies Dependent Origination, phenomenons must still follow laws of nature/Truth. To put it simply, there cannot be a Result without Yin (Cause), or a Yin (Cause) without a Result. Yuán (Conditions) is considered to be always present but cannot be separated from the existence of Yin (Cause). Yin(Cause) is a possibility, not a seed and cannot exist alone.


The possibility of Yin (Cause) and the rise of Yuán (Conditions) leads to the maturity of the Result. "Dependent Origination implies that all phenomenons' characteristics are Śūnyatā" is about the requirements for assembly. "All phenomenons' characteristics are Śūnyatā and that implies Dependent Origination" is about assembly without a self (Does not exist alone, but can be assembled.)


Note: Yin (Cause) is the possibility for phenomena to exist, it does not mean that the phenomena concretely exist.


Note: 法性 is a principle. Another way to describe it is the characteristics that are presented by physical substances and animals.


Interpretation of Four Stages of Enlightenment


There are four stages of Enlightenment. The ability gain from attaining the first stage of enlightenment (Sotāpanna) is to allow one to see the Truth. The Truth of Yin (Cause), Yuán (Conditions) and Results (Karma). Once the Truth is understood, one will be able to face and resolve one's personal weaknesses, "dark sides" and ignorance to reach enlightenment. 


The lessons that one learned through this inner struggle will be the source of one's good fortune. Once the foundation that is built upon facing the "dark side" of one's being is solid, one will have the power and energy to transcend human nature and move toward the "light". One will be able to complete the reduction Greed, Anger and Ignorance as defined in Āgama.

貪,瞋,癡,薄給人一大震奮。 佛陀承認人,生而不完美,基礎點的人性相同,不同點在各人的努力不同。不是開頭式便是完美的聖人做起點,佛教徒自勉吧 !!!!!!!

The idea that Greed, Anger and Ignorance can be reduced should give us tremendous motivation. Buddha recognized that people are not born perfect. The basis of our human natures is the same, we differ in our own efforts. None of us started out as a perfect saint, let us, the students of Buddha's teaching, encourage and help each other grow and advance!!!

半寄 Master Bàn Jì

緣起 Introduction


We are a group of Master Bàn Jì's students and followers looking to further our understanding the Truth with the studies of Śūnyatā introduced by Buddha thousands of years ago. We created this blog for people who are interested in understanding the concept of Śūnyatā as taught by Buddha in the pursuit of self-enlightenment.


We use Master Bàn Jì's book “A Guide to Buddhist Thoughts” as an introductory guide to our pursuit.


Why are we looking for the Truth?

一旦明白真相、我們對自我人性的脆弱、陰暗、愚昧、會主動展開反擊、進而達到光明面的完成。 奮鬥間展生的粹練、便是真正福報的泉源。 有了挑戰黑業的基礎點、我們就能面向光明去產生真正超越人性的力量。

Because once we understand the Truth, we will be able to face and resolve our personal weaknesses, darkness and ignorance to reach our own enlightenment. The essences that we acquire through this inner struggle will be the source to our own fortune. Once we have the foundation built upon facing the darkness of our being, we will have the power and energy to transcend our human nature.

人性很難用克制理性達到自我約束。 一旦約制點沒了、或精神潰決、一切歸零。 但明白真相是已通過理性的選擇、什麼是對的! 再到達對的真相裡面、進而脫胎換骨、所以不是克制能相比的。

Human nature makes it difficult to control the behavior of one-self with self-restraint. When there is no restraint, or when the human spirit has collapsed, everything goes. But one can transcend this difficulty by embracing the Truth because understanding the Truth will allow one to know what is correct and what is not.