2024年2月18日 星期日

心猿意猴The Monkey Mind






來的或是他們都是很容易就做到! 那就應該告訴自己,他們一

定付出很多, 我自己做自己的。

魔鬼無非就是在你腦袋給你負面的顛倒妄想, 大家都生活的

好, 全世界只有你自己不好, 你盡量去嫉妒、盡量去掠奪⋯⋯  

當你的腦袋僅有這些負面的想法的時候, 其實你的福報已經在

報銷了, 魔鬼給你嗎啡吃,讓你完全顛倒妄想, 如果我們可以

克制這樣的想法,只看好自己, 讓自己的腦袋能從黒暗中透出


可以克制這些顛倒妄想, 除了供養功德外更為自己造福, 不必


我個人就這樣修的, 個人早年很用功這樣做, 墊下一個雄厚的







裝進各式各樣的顛倒妄想啊! 看似靜態的修行, 但只要大腦一







而已,哪有心思去看別人在幹什麼! 拼命往前跑都來不及)

The Monkey Mind

Good morning, friends of Nan Zen!

Amongst the people I’ve recently become acquainted with, some are

 worried about the future, and I’d like to speak about that.

When we see others who are doing well, we tend to assume that

 everything has always been easy for them, or that their success has

 been acquired through nefarious means! It would be better to tell

 yourself that whatever they are now enjoying is surely the result of

 meritorious deeds done in the past, and that I can do the same.

The main way in which an evil spirit brings you to harm is to sow

 negative and deluded thoughts in your mind, the sort of thoughts

 that make you believe that you are the only one in the whole world

 who has problems, so that you begin to envy others, and may even

 start thinking that you might be justified in getting ahead by

 engaging in illicit activities.


When you fall prey to these sorts of negative thought patterns you

 actually attenuate whatever blessings you might have otherwise had

 coming your way. This is the morphine the devil gets you hooked on

 so that your thinking gets all twisted. What we need to do is to put

 an end to this way of thinking; when you gain a clear understanding

 of yourself, it’s as if a bright light comes shooting out of the

 darkness; by practicing the virtue of generosity you generate

 blessings and good fortune for yourself, enabling you to

 courageously go forward!

For a long time now I have been diligently practicing in this way; it’s

 a way of laying down a solid foundation, and it gives you the

 strength needed to keep moving ahead!

This is why the Buddhist scriptures repeatedly stress the importance

 of attenuating greed, hatred, and delusion; doing so generates a

 bright kind of energy which helps to illuminate the way ahead.

It’s up to us to generate this energy and to use it to keep moving in

 the right direction.

 The Buddha repeatedly said that Mara is always observing the hearts

 of those on the path of Buddhist Practice.

What for?

He’s looking for his chance to install all sorts of devious and twisted

 ideas in their hearts! Someone may appear to be enrapt in

 meditation, but as soon as a deluded thought pattern arises, one’s

 blessings are consumed.

So an essential part of practice is being able to overcome and

 eradicate these deluded thought patters, be they of one’s own

 making or learned from someone else.

This is one of the foundations of Buddhist Practice.

Master Ban Ji

Translated by Ken Kraynak


(photo: Three monkeys showing the idea of “Hear no delusion, see

 no delusion, speak no delusion” at a monastery in Thailand)

(By turning inwards, you come to realize that your mind is like a

 restless monkey; you won’t learn this by observing others! The mind

 is so fast that you’ll never catch up with it.)
