新的一年,感謝部落格能讓我寫一些想法,很多佛教徒都抱怨我,沒有說佛經,比如: 第一句話開口就要說;如是我聞,或阿彌陀佛。
常常我不知道如何跟佛教徒說話,只好訴諸黨外( 哈 ! ),去年意外的可以把我寫的一些看法,藉出版社流通出去,也算是託大家的福。
還沒出家前,喜歡看哲學,常拿著看不懂的尼采去問德國神父,我不是天主教徒,又年輕,敢胡言亂語,卻總感受到一種寬容的對待,那時覺得尼采好囉嗦 ! 神父沒責備我,竟敢批評尼采,也沒說皈依天主才是真理,七十幾歲的神父像春天陽光般,照耀過我的生命。
能有可以傳達聲音的部落格,還是一句謝謝大家 ! 願南禪精舍部落格的朋友,2015年羊洋得意 !
At the beginning of a new year, I would like to appreciate your support for this blog, allowing me to share my opinions here. Many Buddhists in Taiwan complain that I don’t talk much about Buddhist scriptures. For example, I don’t initiate my talk with ‘Thus have I heard.’ or ‘Amitabha Buddha.’
I often find it difficult for me to talk to Buddhists, resulting in my having to talk to non-Buddhists. (Ha! Ha!)Thanks to all of you, I was able to write something and propagate them in publication by chance last year. And I am so grateful for this.
I used to enjoy reading on philosophy before taking the tonsure. I turned to a German priest whenever I cameacross questions about Friedrich Nietzsche. I wasn’t a Catholic. I was young and reckless in expressing mythinking, but I was treated tolerantly. I considered Nietzsche wordy and nagging then. The priest neitherscolded me for criticizing Nietzsche nor advocated believing in God the only truth. The 70 or so-year-old priest lighted up my life like spring sunshine.
It seemed that I had strolled in the world of free thinking once. However, after I actually became a nun, I found it a pity that Buddhism, which boasted wisdom, had been transmitted so gloomily. Free thinking in Buddhismwas gone, only making practitioners restricted and unable to move, like being covered by a golden shield. Ifeel it intolerable along the way that Buddhism evolves to become so narrow-minded and blinkered.
Once again, I am grateful for your support and thus having a blog to express myself on. Thank you, all the friends of my blog. May all go well with you and all of you have your moments in 2015.
Master Ban Ji
Translated by Grace Tsai
Proofread by SophieaKuo
Master Ban Ji
Translated by Grace Tsai
Proofread by SophieaKuo