2014年5月21日 星期三

清涼小品 About refreshing sketches

清涼小品 About refreshing sketches


About refreshing sketches
I often read of some refreshing sketches when browsing through books. And I used to enjoy reading them when I was young. As more and more people practice Buddhism, some ideas preached in refreshing sketches become Buddhist concepts, like letting it go, enduring and passing it by, being compassionate and glad to give. Owning these concepts seems to make life different and easier ever after.


大部份人年輕的時候,真正憂慮的時光總是少部份的,小品讀來總是順心又可口,那種感覺是至少在短暫時光裡,覺的一切都是如此的美好,所謂好時光的感受。 隨著年齡的增長,小品不曉得在哪裡丟了?! 不見了!  還徹底的找不著,也沒有人跟我說小品不好啊! 那它為什麼就自動不見了蹤影?
Most people didn’t really worry much at an early age. Reading refreshing sketches made them highly satisfactory and pleasant. It made them feel everything was so beautiful and enjoyable during that short period of time. However, as time went by, where were the refreshing sketches? They were totally gone. Nowhere to find. No one told me they were not helpful. Why did they disappear from my life automatically?


我想起來了,後來麻煩事一多,冰塊也滅不了火,更何況是清涼小品(一笑),搬冰塊都來不及,哪還有清涼小品的容身處 ? 而且搬冰塊會凍手,還要有力氣,有人幫忙還好,沒人幫忙或者是幫倒忙時,那可是無語問蒼天的,如果這時候有人跟我說放下不就好了,管他是不是天王老子我肯定翻臉,火在燒時有水最好,冰塊也不錯,就是不能不管。
Oh, I got it! With troubles increasing later in my life, even ice couldn’t put out the fire (of my emotions), let alone refreshing sketches. (LaughJ) When moving ice to put out the fire, I was too busy to think of refreshing sketches. Moving ice froze my hands and consumed my strength. It is good if there’s someone there to help me. It makes me helpless and speechless if there’s no one to help, or even, someone to make more troubles then. If someone tells me to leave it alone and let it go this instant, I will definitely fly into a temper with him, even though he is a king. When the fire burns, having water near you is the best. Even having only ice is OK. You just can’t leave it alone.


那為什麼小品式的佛語一大堆,而且多到人都不知道該站在哪裡了?! 是不是大部份的人,不是武功高強的高手,就是幸福快樂 的在生活? 要不然怎麼 只有我像笨蛋似的,怎麼修都是放不下,還為了人究竟能不能真的放下 ? 費盡心血的在找答案,一些自我的辛苦研究,擺在小品面前反而成了笑話,因為我還想拿水,搬冰塊滅火,而別人只要放下,火就滅了。
Why are there so many refreshing sketches about Buddhist teachings? So many that we don’t know which one to insist on? Are most people great masters in controlling their negative emotions? Or do they live happily and free of negative emotions? Otherwise, why am l the only one that can’t let go of my negative emotions by Practice? Like a fool, I still exhaust myself in researching if mankind can really let go of its emotions? My research becomes a joke in front of the refreshing sketches. Because when I am trying to put out a fire with water and ice, others have the fire extinguished by just letting it go.


Finding refreshing sketches unable to put out the fire for me, I fortunately turn to Buddhist teachings and the successors’ studies for help. I affirm that I need to put out the fire by myself. Of course, if there’s someone there to help me, it would be better. After the fire finishes and extinguishes by itself, will there be any bodies and faces left?


為什麼演變到後來說出 : 我放不下的人? 都被當成票房毒藥般的不可說,來學佛的人們,究竟是從凡人修學起 ? 還是從聖人修學起 ? 我倒是被搞的糊里糊塗,凡夫俗子需要修學,當然是放不下才來的,那為什麼不能老實講說 :自己放不下?

It becomes something like a box office bomb for a practitioner to speak out “I can’t let go of my emotions “. Why does it evolve into a taboo? Do Buddhists Practice from ordinary people or from saints? I am mixed up. If ordinary people try to let go of their emotions by Practice, why can’t they honestly speak out “I can’t let it go.”?

If they Practice from saints, they don’t need teaching anymore because saints don’t need to Practice. Therefore, a practitioner should face his own situation honestly. You are the only one. No one can replace you. We Practice hard, hoping to find ways of putting out fires some day and thus to make ourselves live calmly and easily.


當然如果你可以不假思索就放下,直接就浴火重生,我按 10000個讚。

Of course, if you can let go of your emotions without hesitation and get reborn directly from the fire, press you 10000 “like”

 Master Ban ji
Translated by Grace Tsai
Proofread by Sophiea Kuo)


