2023年4月19日 星期三

頓忘前解 Instantly forgetting previous understanding



Instantly forgetting previous understanding



Instantly forgetting previous understanding

I recently read of  approaches on concentration practice taught in

 southern Buddhism, of which the āgama section is the main

 scriptures, to strengthen our mind and will. 

The northern branch of Buddhism doesn’t pay much attention to the

āgama section of the scriptures, and it has developed its own style.














When you are familiar with the literature of the Chan school, you

 come across numerous passages in which a Chan master gives

 expression to his realization of the Buddhadharma.


Take, for example, the anecdote in which the Chan master Lingxun

 goes to the lecture hall, sits down, and begins to settle his mind in

 preparation for the talk, whereupon the Chan master Guizong says,

 “It’s cold out; take care when you’re on the road.”


On hearing this, Lingxun replies, “Instantly I forget my previous

 understanding,” indicating that his mind had attained a state of

 openness and clarity.


In fact, this is what I have been practicing all along. We

 are constantly absorbing knowledge with our heart, mind, and will.

 So how can we suddenly forget all the previous understanding we

 have accumulated over time?


I never fail to be amazed by the Chan masters’ expressions of



When spring is nearly finished the Chan master says: Flowers don’t

 bloom until the spring wind blows; first they bloom, then they


constantly absorbing knowledge with our heart, mind, and will. So

 how can we suddenly forget all the previous understanding we have

 accumulated over time?


I never fail to be amazed by the Chan masters’ expressions of



When spring is nearly finished the Chan master says: Flowers don’t

 bloom until the spring wind blows; first they bloom, then they


Master Ban Ji

 Translated by Ken Kraynak