2014年9月5日 星期五

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2014年9月4日 星期四

喜悅G ratification


感覺中修行是個嚴肅的問題,不過也是有愉快的一面,從剛開始入門的莽莽撞撞,到搞得清楚東西南北在哪裡的時候 ? 很快樂,東西南北再畫出方向感時,也很安慰,我想人對有興趣的事物,做出令自己滿意的成績時,都會很興奮,修行也不例外。



It always seems as if Practice is a serious question, yet there is also a pleasant side. From the beginning, everything seems unclear and confusing. I am delighted when things get clarified. It is also comforting when you gain the sense of direction. I believe people always get excited when feeling satisfied about accomplishments in interested things. There is no exception for Practice as well.

After posting few articles on Facebook, for those unfamiliar readers should get to know me better as I focus more on the reality side. On the path of Buddhism learning, I propose that Buddhist practitioners should have their own viewpoints as Buddhism learning particularly focuses on about wisdom. How can one proceed (with the pursuit of wisdom) without his own viewpoint?



To what extent your viewpoint may be developed depends on how much effort you put in. Following is to focus more on explaining the content which can be practiced within human’s ability. I often concern about how I stand on and my viewpoint from my own practice perspective. This can be referred to spiritual peace as proposed in Zen Buddhism. If your mind and spirit is not peaceful, that means you are feeble. How can anything be succeeding under such circumstance? How can you confront daily life calmly without spiritual peace?  I also pay attention to how Practice may affect my life. What’s the reincarnation in my next life is not my concern.  I practice Buddhism in order to solve the philosophic problem of life. Unlike most of the Buddhist practitioners, I practice Buddhism to make certain my existence is meaningful and to cultivate myself into a better person I request.  



一路以來我始終清楚我要修學什麼內容,從到底能不能走下去?!到如沐春風,始終都是修學帶給我的力量,到目前為止,我一直堅持一個觀念,生命裡面誰都需要修道 ! 不一定得為了解脫什麼束縛? 就為了能夠安身立命,安身立命有人會馬上連想到是儒家用語,儒家把人的一生寄託於國家,社會,就是少了個人,彷彿個人的情感完全不重要(至少這是我個人的見解),但佛學提供了個人情感的看法,給予生命另一種出路,人生命裡大都數時間糊里糊塗,不依持修道力量,怎能讓腦袋清晰一下,我們學了很多都是如何對待別人,如果把對待別人,轉變成對待自己,相信很多人會束手無策,真正是忘了我是誰?!



I am always clear about my desired practice content all along. From the beginning concern of whether I can make it through till the end feeling as if enfolded in the spring breeze, all should be attributed to the power given by Practice. I continuously insist on the concept that everyone needs Practice in life until now. We practice not necessary for the sake of free from constraints, but to settle down and live peacefully. When mention settling down and live peacefully, people might think of it’s the wording of Confucianism. Confucianism advocates the thought that one’s life should commit to the country and society, not to the individual. It seems that individuals’ emotions are not important at all (at least in my personal opinion). But Buddhism provides ways of dealing with personal emotions and thus offers alternative solution for life. Humans are confused most of the time in their lives. How can we have clear minds if not rely on the strength of Practice? We have learned much about how to treat others. However, when transferring the ways of treating others to treat ourselves, I believe many people will feel helpless and forget who we really are.
I wrote some conceptual content freely on the blog, perhaps this can help readers who occasionally come across Zen Buddhism.

    Master Ban Ji
    Tanslated by Grace Tsai   
     Proofread by Sophiea Kuo